1. It might go somewhere

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It had taken Harry a long time to accept that he liked his work best friend.

He had met him 3 years ago when he started working at his current job. Louis had already been there for a few years when he arrived, and because of that he had been the one to show him around, and somehow in just a few weeks they became very good friends.

And although when he first met him Harry thought Louis was cute, he didn't really think much about it, because he had been in a relationship. A year later, though, Harry broke up with his then boyfriend, but by then Louis was dating someone.

Then Louis broke up with that boyfriend a while later, actually he got cheated on, and Harry was there for him. But because the world worked in mysterious ways, by then Harry had a new boyfriend. It didn't last much, though, just a few months, and now they were both single.

But Harry wasn't sure at first if:

1. He actually liked Louis, or if he just had a silly crush of him.

2. It was too much of a risk to date a friend and coworker in case it didn't work out.

And most importantly, if:

3. Louis liked him back.

After a few months he had realized that he did like Louis in a romantic way, it was impossible to deny it by now, and he had decided that he was willing to take the risk.

The third question, though... there was only one way to know.

"Lou?" Harry said as he went by his office.

They worked at a tech company, and while Harry was a web designer, Louis was a software engineer, which basically meant that Harry was more artistic and creative while Louis was very smart.

"Hey" Louis said looking up from his screens with a smile on his face "What's up?".

"Do you want to go out for a drink later?" Harry asked.

It wasn't strange for him to ask Louis to go out for a drink, they were friends after all, and they went for drinks often on their own or with other people from the office. But Harry wanted to use tonight to basically tell Louis how he felt.

"I can't today, love, I already have plans" Louis replied.

"Oh" Harry said feeling a little disappointed "What are you doing?".

"I'm going out with this lad I've been seeing" Louis explained.


"I didn't know you were seeing someone" Harry said, trying to pretend he wasn't pissed about it "Since when?".

"About a month? Month and half?" Louis replied.

"You hadn't mentioned him" Harry commented.

"I know" Louis admitted "It was pretty casual for the first 2 dates but now I think it might go somewhere".

"What's his name?" Harry wondered, not that he cared.

"Christopher" Louis answered.

"How did you meet him?".

"Tinder" Louis confessed.


"Don't judge, you know it's hard meeting people the traditional way" Louis said almost pouting, and he looked so cute doing it.

"I'm not judging" Harry denied "So what does he do?".

"He's a sociologist" Louis explained.

"Right" Harry said, to be honest he didn't even know what sociologists did "So you like him".

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