32. It will break my heart

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When Harry arrived home on Friday, he found Louis laying down on their bed with Leni in his arms, which was the most beautiful sight in the universe.

"Join us?" Louis asked after Harry went up to him and kissed him hello.

"Sure" Harry smiled

Harry got on the bed, and got closer to Louis, and put his arm behind him, and Louis immediately cuddled next to him.

"How was your day?" Harry asked as he softly stroked Leni's little head.

"We went out for a walk today, on our own" Louis answered.

"That's great, babe!" Harry said feeling relieved to hear that.

He had been worried about Louis being so scared to go out alone, so this was truly good news.

"Yeah..." Louis agreed "But when I came back, June was downstairs, she came to see me".

"June?" Harry asked, not sure who that was.

"Chris' ex, Skye's mum" Louis clarified.

"She was here?" Harry asked worried "Did Chris send her?".

"She said he didn't, and I believe her" Louis replied.

"What did she want?" Harry questioned.

"She asked me to drop the charges against Chris" Louis explained.

"Is she insane?" Harry asked "How can she ask you that?".

"She said she was doing it for Skye, she's already heartbroken because we told her she'd have a sister and now she's not, and now she's not going to see her dad anymore if he goes away".

"This June should be thankful that a violent psychopath is going to be away from her kid" Harry declared.

"I told her that, but she thinks Chris is a good dad and wants Skye to have him around" Louis said "And I feel so bad for Skye, I really love her".

"So you're thinking about doing it? Dropping the charges?" Harry asked, not liking that idea at all.

"No!" Louis was quick to say "And I told June that, I was very clear that I won't do it, I have to put myself and Elena first".

"I'm glad that you made that choice" Harry told him.

"Yeah..." Louis sighed "But it doesn't change that I feel bad for Skye, she's so lovely, Harry, and she's stuck with that asshole as her father".

"You're not responsible for her, Lou" Harry told him "And she has a mum who loves her and takes care of her".

"I know" Louis admitted.

Harry then kissed Louis' temple, and held him closer wanting to assure him that he was here for him.

"June said something before she left, though" Louis spoke again after a minute or so.

"What did she say?" asked Harry.

"That Elena looks like Skye when she was a baby" Louis explained.

"All newborn babies look similar" Harry said although he immediately knew what had been implied.

"That's not what she meant" Louis pointed out.

"I know" Harry nodded "But Leni is mine".

"We don't know for sure" Louis whispered.

"Her last name is Styles, and my name is on her birth certificate, so she's mine, and that's the end of it" Harry said determinately.

"But that's not the end of it" Louis told him.

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