3. To each their own

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"Babe" Louis said coming up to Harry's desk.

"What's up?" Harry smiled at him.

"Do you have plans for Saturday night?" Louis wondered.

"Not yet" Harry replied, in was Tuesday so he hadn't even thought about Saturday night.

"Do you want to come over to my place for drinks and some food?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, sure" Harry wondered "What's the occasion?".

"Nothing special" Louis shrugged "Just want to drink at home with friends".

"Who else is coming?" Harry wondered.

"I'm inviting Grace, and she will probably bring her boyfriend, and also Hunter" Louis numbered, both Grace and Hunter worked with them "Then my friend Zayn, who you already know, uhm... my other friend Liam with his girlfriend... oh, and Chris obviously".

"So you'll finally stop hiding the famous Chris" Harry told his friend.

"I haven't been hiding him" Louis rolled his eyes "But yeah, I want you and my other friends to meet him".

"Okay, I'll be there" Harry agreed "Let me know if I can bring anything".

"Don't bring anything" Louis brushed off "But you can bring a date if you want? If you're seeing someone?".

"I'm not seeing anyone, so I'll go alone" Harry replied.

"Alright" Louis agreed "Also... maybe you should get out there, love, I feel like you haven't dated anyone in a while".

"I just haven't met anyone I've liked lately" Harry shrugged.

"Maybe try the apps?".

"No" Harry shook his head "I tried it once and I hated it, so no".

"It's not that bad" Louis told him "I met Chris there".

"I know" Harry nodded.

Because he still didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing for Louis to date Chris, he didn't know him at all.

But that was going to change on Saturday.

"Think about it" Louis shrugged

"Sure" Harry agreed, but he had nothing to think about, he hated dating apps.

"Alright, I'm gonna go talk to Grace" Louis decided, and walked away.

Harry put his headphones on, which usually helped him concentrate better. But they didn't really work this time around, as he kept thinking about Louis' invitation, and about meeting this new boyfriend.

By the time Saturday night came, Harry was still intrigued about the evening, and specially about Louis' boyfriend . Louis had told him to her there at 8, so he got ready in time, and left his flat at 7:40, as Louis' place was only a 20 minute walk from his place.

When he arrived, he pressed Louis' buzzer downstairs, and waited for him to open the main door of the building.

"Yes?" Louis' voice asked.

"It's Harry" Harry announced himself.

"Welcome, babe!" Louis' cheerful voice came from the intercom.

Harry smiled, and walked inside the building, as he thought how incredible it was that just two words coming out of Louis' mouth could make him smile like this.

He took the stairs to the second floor, which was were Louis' flat was, but just as he was about to ring the doorbell he heard loud voices coming from inside of the flat.

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