27. What is attractive about me?

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Louis was less than a week away from his due date, and Harry knew that he was not enjoying pregnancy anymore.

He was complaining a lot about being uncomfortable, about back pain, about his feet being too swollen, and about lack of sleep. It was all making him very moody, specially the lack of sleep, which was very unlike Louis, but Harry couldn't blame him, he had a 7 pound baby in his belly after all.

When Harry woke up that Saturday, he was surprised to see Louis was still asleep, which was great, lately every time he woke up Louis was already awake.

Very carefully he turned to his side, and watched Louis sleep. Louis had pushed the bed covers away and was on his side too, and he had a pillow between his leg, and he was hugging another pillow. Louis' mouth was slightly parted, and his hair was messy, and he was just wearing pajama shorts and a T-shirt that was too small for his belly, as half of it was out.

Harry thought the overall sight was the cutest thing in the world, and he wasn't going to lie, it made him want to pull Louis' body into his and give him a cuddle and a kiss.

But he knew he couldn't do that...

About half an hour passed in which Harry just stared at a sleeping Louis, until he heard him make a little complaining noise, and he hugged his pillow tighter.

"Are you okay?" Harry whispered.

"I'm sleepy" Louis mumbled but didn't open his eyes.

"Go back to sleep" Harry whispered again.

Harry didn't know why, but Louis' response to that was to get closer to him.

"Cuddle me" Louis requested.

Harry hesitated for barely a second, and then he closed the distance between them and he put his arm around Louis to be able to cuddle him. That only caused Louis to get even closer, so much that he wrapped his leg around Harry's body, and accommodated his arm so he was hugging Harry, who just let him.

And because he couldn't do much being trapped in that position, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep shortly after.

When he opened his eyes again, he was looking right into Louis' blue eyes, and he was so close to him, it would have taken him no effort to just lean in and kiss his lips.

"Good morning" Louis said softly.

"Morning" Harry said back as he rubbed Louis' back gently "How are you feeling?".

"Could be worse" Louis sighed.

"Can I help with anything?" Harry offered.

Louis shook his head, and just buried it into Harry's body. At this point they were tangled into each other in a way they had never done before, and Harry didn't even know what to think of it.

Then Louis sighed again, and without thinking too much about it, Harry kissed his head.

"Can we go for a long walk today?" Louis asked after a few minutes "It is supposed to induce labor".

"Yes, of course" Harry agreed.

"Okay" Louis accepted, and that was when he finally untangled himself from Harry's body "I need to pee".

Louis got up and walked to the bathroom, and Harry just sighed and stretched his arms over his head.

The truth was that right now he was more in love with Louis that he had ever been, and he knew for a fact that that love was only going to increase once he saw him give birth to their daughter. And although sometimes he thought maybe Louis could have feelings for him too, he couldn't be sure unless he asked him. The problem of asking him was that he could risk not only their friendship but their relationship as parents and as flatmates.

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