At this moment, a burst of noisy commotion could be heard all around.

“Why are you cutting in line?”

“Exactly, everyone is lining up, what makes you so special!”

“What a lack of manners!”

Waylon quickly grasped the key point, “What, cutting in line?”

Who is so shameless!

You should know that there is an unwritten rule at Deli Restaurant.

No matter how wealthy or prestigious the person coming to eat is, they must honestly line up; otherwise, they will not be served – even if the president comes, it’s the same!

This is also why there are so many complaints. People from the upper class are used to enjoying privileges, and suddenly asking them to lower their status and wait for their turn to be called

naturally makes them feel unhappy.

They were all waiting patiently in line, yet someone actually dared to cut in!

Waylon was also extremely angry. He said to Wesley, “Grandpa, please wait here for a moment

while I go check out the situation over there.”

Wesley nodded, “Go ahead.”

With a long stride, Waylon pushed through the crowd, and within two steps, he reached the center. As he looked up, he was taken aback.

Who could that beautiful woman be, if not Aylin?

Chapter 93 Waylon Secretly Pursues Aylin


“Oh, so it’s you who’s cutting in line, huh?”

Aylin stopped in her tracks upon hearing a familiar voice.

Glancing at Waylon, there was no response.

Waylon’s peach blossom eyes narrowed, and he said with a hum, “Ms. Koch, although I appreciate your straightforward and unpretentious personality, you may not be aware that Deli Restaurant does not allow cutting in line. Everyone is treated equally here, so please return to your original


Waylon is quite polite.

Aylin tilted her head slightly and said, “I know that rule.”

Waylon let out a frustrated sigh, thinking about the nearly twenty minutes he had spent waiting in line, and his temper began to flare.

“Do you know about this rule and still cut in line? Acting so high and mighty, do you think you own

this restaurant or something?”

Aylin’s expression was indifferent.


Waylon never expected Aylin to say something like that, and he was stunned on the spot.


While watching the show, Robert noticed Waylon staring blankly like a wooden chicken, and couldn’t help but laugh and tease, “What’s the matter? Can’t hear well? Just turn left at 656 feet, there’s a hospital.”


Waylon held his chin in astonishment and exclaimed, “Deli Restaurant is really owned by your

family? I’ve never heard of it before!”

Aylin scoffed, the corner of her lips curling slightly.

The Koch family’s businesses span across various industries, both domestically and internationally, with their brand present in many sectors. The restaurant industry is just one of them. The idea of establishing Deli Restaurant originally came from Aylin’s mother, Nina. With her exceptional culinary skills, Nina didn’t want them to go to waste, so she opened a restaurant.

He even taught his skills to a group of old chefs at that time.

Originally, it was just Nina’s personal hobby, but unexpectedly, the restaurant grew bigger and bigger, eventually becoming famous throughout New York.

The Koch family has never revealed this trump card.

In business, there’s no need to make a big fuss about everything.

“Have you ever considered how many things you haven’t heard of? Do I really need to tell you each and every one of them?”

Aylin didn’t think so.

Waylon was quick-witted and realized that since the Deli Restaurant was owned by the Koch family, and his own family member Wesley enjoyed dining there, why not have everyone gather together for a meal?

It’s also a good way to enhance our relationship.

After all, he has had dinner with Ms. Koch from the Koch family!

Waylon wasn’t upset at all; instead, he smiled playfully. “I apologize for not recognizing your greatness. Coincidentally, my grandpa is here too, and he loves the food at your family’s deli restaurant. I wonder if Ms. Koch would do us the honor of joining my grandpa for lunch?”

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