“Don’t even mention me, even Old Mr. Koch would feel upset seeing you like this! Ms. Koch, please don’t refuse, let me accompany you today.”

In fact, Daniel only told half of the story. This time, he not only came for his own feelings, but also carried out Robert’s entrusted mission!

Last night, after having dinner, he suddenly received a call from Robert.

The other person spoke clearly and concisely, “I’ve heard about Aylin’s situation. You’re helping her now, right?”

To Daniel’s surprise, Robert already knew the ins and outs of the matter. He respectfully said, “Yes, Mr. Robert, do you have any instructions?”

“Tomorrow is the death anniversary of Aunt Nina and Uncle Timothy’s death,” Robert’s voice was heavy over the phone. “She must be under a lot of men tal stress during this time. I’m worried that Aylin won’t be able to handle it alone tomorrow. You must go and accompany her, and make sure nothing goes wrong!”

Daniel immediately agreed, “There’s no need for Mr. Robert to tell me, I already know what to do. Please don’t worry.”

However, Robert simply couldn’t rest easy. The thought of Aylin, all alone in her hometown facing the bad situation kept him awake throughout the night.

“Whenever she’s in a bad mood, she can’t eat much, so remember to buy some of her favorite snacks for the journey. I’ve checked the weather forecast for your area, and it’s been rainy and cool lately. Please help her prepare a blanket or a jacket, as she prefers warmth over cold…”

The usually irritable and arrogant Robert, now showed concern for Aylin like a caring mother in front of others.


Upon hearing this, Daniel couldn’t help but tear up. Mr. Robert’s love for Ms. Koch was so deep, it was as if they were siblings!

“Mr. Robert, you’re being too hard on yourself. This is something I should do anyway. We’ve all seen your affection for Ms. Koch, so there’s no need for you to feel overly guilty.”

“Um, please don’t tell her I called. And could you ask Daniel to take care of her temporarily? I’ll be back soon to protect her]”

Robert’s earnest advice still echoed in his ears, but Daniel’s expression remained resolute as he said, “Ms. Koch, Mr. Koch, and Mrs. Koch have been kind to me. If I don’t go to see them, I’d be heartless and ungrateful!”

Aylin knew that Daniel was wholeheartedly loyal to the Koch family and always followed her advice. So, she didn’t say much more, and gracefully accepted the bouquet, examining it carefully.

The symbolism of the Iris flower represents unwavering emotions, just like the sincere love shared between her parents throughout their lives. The French Iris has large petals with brilliant colors and small ta**els, making it eye-catching even from a distance. As you get closer, you can also enjoy its unique sweet fragrance.

“I know my mother loves irises. Thank you, Daniel, you’re so thoughtful.’

Daniel waved his hands repeatedly, “I only learned all this from following Mr. Koch. Whenever Mr. Koch finished work, he would always talk about watering the flowers for Mrs. Koch, and I gained some knowledge from that.”

Gently placing the porcelain cup down, Aylin’s eyes and brows softened a bit.

I still remember the warm room in our house since I was a child, filled with all kinds of precious flowers, all of which were symbols of my father’s love for my mother. My earliest memories of learning about flowers were when my mother held me as a young child, pointing out each one and telling me about them…

Memories can be quite contagious. As Aylin and Daniel reminisced, their eyes welled up with tears,

yet it created a heartwarming scene.

Seeing that it was getting late, the two of them left the house.

At this moment, at the Delacruz residence.

Haleigh lounged on the soft couch, her face covered with an anti-aging mask gifted by Laila. She

relaxed leisurely, her bright red fingernails gesturing as if she were giving grand directions.

“Ah, can’t you see? Over here and that spot there, you missed these areas. Please wipe them down more thoroughly!”

In the living room, a vinyl record was playing as Haleigh hummed along to the upbeat tune. She had

Chapter 68 Too Concerned the Mic Pu


been through a lot lately and desperately needed to enjoy life and unwind!

As the lyrics reached “still the flowers bloom in my dreams,” the phone rang unexpectedly.

Who is so annoying?

However, as soon as she caught a glimpse of the name on the caller ID, she immediately sat up straight and answered the phone, “Hello? What’s up, is there any progress on the matter?”

Ever since Haleigh was outwitted by Ayllni, she had been longing for an opportunity to take revenge personally. Finally, she found out that Aylin had started working at the Koch Group, and now there was a clear path to settle the score!

“Of course, our people are professionals, and this time we’ve uncovered some incredible news about her!”

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