Chapter 37: Miroh

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The air in the room felt thick. Eisa glanced at everyone's faces, reading the tension etched there. Chan had wanted to go over the plan earlier when he met with Eisa but thought it best to go over it all at once with the whole group.

Chan walked in last, taking his usual seat at the head of the dining room table between Hongjoong and Yeji. Jurin and the rest of XG posted up along the room's walls, blank unreadable expressions on their faces. 

"Jurin. Do we have an update on Kang?" Chan said glancing to his left where Jurin was standing. Her once blank expression broke into a sinister grin. The switch in demeanor caused goosebumps to break out on Eisa's skin. Seeing a shift in Eisa, Minho tightened his grip on her hand while tracing soft circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. She glanced at him briefly giving him a small appreciative smile. 

"He won't be causing any issues..." She made eye contact with Eisa. "Don't worry.  We made sure he felt the maximum amount of pain." Eisa felt a wave of relief and was surprised when the sinister grin Jurin had once worn softened. She gave Eisa a warm smile and a nod of her head. 

"Alright, that's one down. How are we on locating Bangtan? Have we found a way to take them out?"  Chan shifted his focus to the IT crowd that was located at the far end of the table. Han, Felix, Yuna, Cocona, Jungho, and Changsub all exchanged looks. Felix gives a slight nod to the other before turning to address the group.

"We have some good and bad news on that front." He looks to Han who continues.

"The good news is that we have found an opportunity to catch them off guard while they are collecting a weapons shipment." Han paused looking at Felix and Cocona. Cocona clears her throat and picks up where Han and Felix left off.

"The bad news is the exchange is happening tomorrow night. After that, they plan to close ranks and travel to 17's home base. They know we plan to retaliate and I believe," She pauses and glances around her at the rest of the techs. "WE believe that this opportunity will be the last one we have. If we don't act, we will have to face the full force of their alliance." She made eye contact with Jurin who gave her a small nod. 

"XG will stay to see this thing through. We had only planned to take out Kang and give you information on the others but..." She looked at Eisa and then Lily. Lily looked a bit shocked but shook it off.  "We can't stand by and let them get away with what they have done. Who knows who they would target next." 

"That doesn't give us a lot of time to prepare but we have no choice." Chan let out a tired sigh. "Techs? You will stay here with the Meds, Yunho, and Eisa. I want comms, and any footage you can gain access to." The tech group nodded. Eisa looked at Yunho and gave him a small nod. "We know they have moved on our base previously when they grabbed Eisa so I want to ask a few of our fighting force to stay behind and guard the area. San, Momo, Peniel, and Lily. I want you four to stay back. Lily help get the med area prepped. The others will run patrols around the perimeter. You can use the roof if you want to set up your watch there." This group nodded and Lily exchanged a small smile with Eisa. Eisa was glad Lily would be staying behind. She had grown quite close to her since her arrival.

"The rest of the teams will form up into teams of 5.  Keep the skills evenly balanced. So one close combat expert, one infiltrator, one weapons expert, and a driver." Yeji said looking around at the group. Everyone exchanged glances but nodded in agreement. "In addition to having that group of 5, each group will also have a leader in it as well. The leader will coordinate with the techs and the other leaders." She paused for a moment before continuing. "This means Chan, Hongjoong, Eunkwang, Jihyo, Haewon, Jurin and myself will all lead a group." She looked around at the group once more. "Ryujin, Minhyuk, Sullyoon, Mingi,  and Maya, you are with me."

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