Chapter 9: Morning After

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The next day started too early for Eisa's taste. Chan had woken her up stating she was to report down to the medical facilities to get a briefing from Seungmin. He also decided to tell her that in two days they would have their first mission. See? Entirely too much information for 7:30 in the morning. Eisa nodded sleepily at Chan who smiled and then left the room. She threw herself back on her bed hoping she could go back to sleep for a bit. Another knock at the door robbed her of that. She grunted and groaned loudly getting up to answer the door. She must have looked grumpy cause when she answered the door Seungmin took a step back looking a bit startled.

"Um, I was coming to get you so we could walk down to the med area together. You know cause you haven't been there?" He scratched his neck and looked apologetically at her. She sighed and tried to look happier than she felt.

"Sure, Seungmin. Let me just get changed. You can chill out in my room while you wait for me. I'll get dressed in the bathroom. " Went to her bag and grabbed a soft grey sweater and some jeans. Heading straight for the bathroom she closed the door and got herself ready for the day. She used a bit of eye cream that claimed to reduce bags and puffiness. She desperately needed that because the late-night call kept her up. Before she could exit the bathroom and join Seungmin her phone dinged in her pocket.

Chan: Before you go to the med area, come to my office. I have some questions.

Eisa: Um...sure be right there

"Hey, Seungmin? Chan needed me for a bit. Want to wait for me in the living room?" Eisa walked out of the bathroom and found Seungmin playing with her stuffed raccoon she had not realized she brought from home. "Yah! Where did you find that?"

"Ah!" He dropped the stuffed animal startled. "Oh, it was sticking out of your suitcase. What is it?"

"It's a raccoon. My brother got him for me when we were little." She picked up the stuffed raccoon and placed him by her pillow.

"He's cute. I'll wait for you in the living room. Want me to sort out some breakfast for us?" He got up with her walking out the door.

"Yes please!" She yelled over her shoulder as she jogged to Chan's office wondering what questions he had for her.

"Take a seat, Eisa." Chan's face was impassive. It was nothing like the smiling face she had just seen earlier this morning. "I have been told you made a call late last night. Care to tell me who it was to? " He raised an eyebrow and looked at Eisa with unreadable eyes. She gulped audibly.

"I didn't know phone calls were prohibited. You can't just hold me hostage and not allow me to contact anyone. I didn't say anything about your gang..." He cut her off.

"Who.Were.You.Taking.To?" He enunciated every word, and his voice was barely above a whisper but was authoritative. The hairs on the back of Eisa's neck rose.

"It was my fucking brother, okay?! Everything happened so fast, and I was feeling overwhelmed. He's the one person who always is able to calm me down. I didn't tell him anything about what I was doing here. Just that I found a job and decided to stay. " She was angry and crying now but she didn't care. She'd be damned if these thugs would stop her from talking to the last bit of family she had left. She glared at Chan waiting for his response. She saw him slump in visible relief and his face relaxed into a more natural friendly expression.

"I was hoping it was something like that. Lee Know must have misunderstood." He looked up and chuckled at Eisa's confused expression. "Minho, we also call him Lee Know." Her face hardened again but just briefly. She then shifted to a polite smile.

"So are we done here? I need to go meet up with Seungmin." She turned to leave but Chan stood up and put his hand on her shoulder stopping her.

"I'm sorry. Of course, you can talk with your brother. I trust you not to say anything. I'm sorry I doubted you. Minho thought it might be a boyfriend or a lover which could complicate things if they come looking for you." She sighed, her anger at Chan slowly leaving her.

"I know Chan. You just want to protect your family." She gave him a genuine smile this time before turning to exit the room.

"That includes you now. You are part of our family now." He said softly and she chuckled nodding her head before shutting his office door.

Now time to beat up a stupid, prying cat lord.

She made her way to the living room.

"Okay, where is he?" She said with as much venom as she could muster. The five men sitting there looked startled. Even Hyunjin jumped a bit when he heard her speak.

"Uh...who exactly are you looking for? There are a lot of "he's" in this household." Felix looked nervous as he stood up slowly to approach Eisa.

"That stupid, dumb, cat lord!" She hissed this at Felix whose eyes widened but still looked a bit confused.

"Minho," Changbin said from the couch. "He's in the gym right now training. Don't get blood on my equipment okay?" He went back to what he was doing which was cleaning one of his guns.

"If you value your lives, don't come to the gym for a bit. Seungmin. I'll be back here soon so please wait for me." She advanced to the gym leaving the men in the living room curious about what was about to happen but too scared to follow.  

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