Chapter 30: Restless Nights

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As Eisa and others reached the staircase the scene below was chaotic. Five men Eisa had never seen before crowded around one man who was laying on the wooden flooring, blood scattered around him. As she reached the group of men, a tall man with a shaved head cradled his fellow gently. He looked at her with wide panicked eyes, as if pleading for help. She gave a reassuring smile and knelt to get a better look at the injured man.

His face was pale but not deathly so. There was still color in his cheeks and his breathing, while labored was still holding steady. With the help of the taller man, Eisa inspected the wound. A nasty bullet wound was on his shoulder and a smaller stab wound was in his side, opposite the other injury. Seungmin appeared at her side with a medical bag. She sifted through it and pulled out bandages, cleaning materials, and forceps. She looked at the taller man at her side.

"We will need to remove the bullet from his shoulder. I am going to need you to hold him steady to prevent any additional damage." Without a word, the man nodded, gripping his friend's body to hold him still.

Eisa grabbed the sterilized forceps, Seungmin holding a light above her, so she had a clear view of the bullet. Slowly and carefully, she moved into the wound, gently grasping the bullet, and pulling it from the injury. He was lucky it hadn't lodged itself too far. Once removed she grabbed cleaning materials, wiping, and sanitizing the area. Surgical stitching tools were handed to her next and she worked quickly to stitch up the area. Once secured, she wiped the area clean once more, bandaging the area with care. She then moved to the knife wound, which was deep but small. Using a similar process to the other wound, she stitched, cleaned, and bandaged this as well. Once she was sure all his injuries were addressed, she turned to the taller man and the rest of the group who were now crowded around her.

"He should be fine now. Seungmin will help you get him settled in one of our medical beds." She turned to Seungmin. "Get him on an IV drip, antibiotics, and something for the pain." He nodded and motioned for the taller man to follow him. He cradled the injured man carefully, following Seungmin as they headed to the medical area. Wiping her hands off, clearing all the blood from them, she turned to a man with pale blond hair. "He will be fine. The wound looked scary, but both the bullet wound and the stab wound were not too deep." She gave him a smile and she could see his shoulders slump in relief.

"Thank you so much. Chan wasn't kidding when he said you were invaluable to his team." He gave her a tired but warm smile. She couldn't help a faint blush from touching her cheeks at the compliment. You'd think she would be past getting flustered at compliments on her medical skills, but she was not.

"There is no need to thank me. I was more than happy to help....?" She paused, realizing she knew none of their names.

"Minhyuk. The taller guy who helped earlier is Peniel. Changsub was the man you helped earlier." He then looked over his shoulder at the other men standing behind him. "This is our leader Eunkwang. And the two men over here," He moved his head to motion at the two other men standing close to them, "are Hyunsik and Sungjae." All the men nodded and smiled at her, warm smiles but laced with exhaustion.

"We can do a full introduction once all of you have had a chance to rest. I had some rooms prepared for you, though we thought you wouldn't be here until tomorrow morning." Chan motioned for the group to follow him. "We can talk more about what happened when you are rested." Minhyuk nodded and then shot Eisa one last smile before following Chan up to the rooms, the rest of the group following behind.

Eisa slumped, falling from her crouched position to sit cross-legged on the ground, not caring that her pants were slowly staining from the blood that lay in small pools on the floor.

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