Chapter 12: Broken Things

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Eisa thought she was prepared. Years of dealing with gunshot wounds and other violent injuries in Chicago did not prepare her to see the bloody and broken bodies of Hyunjin and Minho. She could feel herself struggling to get a good breath of air as they brought in both men. She did her best to push her feelings to the back of her mind so she could help Seungmin to stabilize them.

Seungmin and Eisa went to work on Hyunjin first since stabilizing him would take the least amount of time. They got fluids, and pain medicine in him to help keep him comfortable. Eisa cleaned out his wound relatively quickly and Seungmin told her to start on Minho as he stitched up the wound.

Minho had a wound to his side, the bullet went clean through with no remnants of bullet fragments left. Chan had held Minho's shirt to the wound to keep pressure on it. Eisa went about cleaning the wound and patching it up, making sure to close it up to prevent more blood loss. She gave him a blood transfusion once the wound was properly closed and dressed. Seungmin, after finishing with Hyunjin, started an iv with fluids and a pain reliever to keep Minho as pain-free as possible. Both men were now stable.

Eisa slumped by Minho's hospital bed next to Seungmin who had collapsed just moments before. The adrenaline rush that occurred as she was tending to both men had left her body, leaving her exhausted and shaking.

"We would have lost one of them or both without you here. Thank you." Seungmin rested his head on her shoulder closing his eyes. She leaned her head against his, too tired to move.

"It took both of us. I can't believe you were doing this on your own for so long. Not that you aren't good at it, it's just I don't know how you handle it with the potential of multiple members turning up in this state." She gave a shaky laugh which broke into a small sob as the emotions of what just happened overwhelmed her. Seungmin took his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. She appreciated the comfort as she let herself cry.

"This doesn't happen. We are careful and we had everything planned out. We shouldn't have had issues with the cams like that. Someone knew what we were up to and was a step ahead of us." Eisa sat up and looked at Seungmin with a fearful expression.

"What do you mean? Like there is a spy or something?" Her voice shook slightly. She wasn't sure if it was fear, exhaustion, or both.

"We aren't sure. Felix and Han are digging into it now. We are hoping they can find the origin of the computer that took control of the cameras during that time. There is no guarantee they will be able to but they are trying. " Eisa nodded numbly laying her head on Seungmin's shoulder again.

"What happened to Hyunjin and Minho? Did any of the others say?" Her voice sounded soft and tired. Seungmin sighed.

"Hyunjin was hit by one of the iKon members, Bobby I think I.N. said it was. Minho was cornered by Jun-hoe and Donghyuk. Apart from the bullet wound, I also saw a number of bruises to his face and torso." Seungmin shifted so his arm was once again around Eisa's shoulders, making it a bit more comfortable for them both. "Don't worry I applied some ointment to those and checked for internal bleeding or broken ribs. They should both recover but Minho might be out for a while. He's never been in this bad of shape before." Eisa turned to Seungmin and saw that there were tears in his eyes. Eisa turned and wrapped her arms around Seungmin. At first, he tensed up but then relaxed into the hug. "Thank you for being here. I know this isn't what you wanted to do with your life but I am really glad you are here with us." Eisa chuckled.

"Best kidnapping/hostage situation ever." She said sarcastically which made Seungmin laugh. "I am glad I am here too. It may not be what I had envisioned for my life but it hasn't been completely awful so far." She sighed. "Well except for tonight." She was starting to feel drowsy and she knew she should get them both up and off to bed. Her body refused to move and Seungmin made no movements to get up either. Soon she felt herself drifting off to sleep. One final thought echoed through her head as she gave in to her drowsiness. She voiced this out loud. "I really owe Minho an apology when he wakes up. Hyunjin too..." And with that sleep took her.

Chan came down to the med area after making sure everyone was de-briefed and settled for the evening. He looked over at Hyunjin and Minho, who were both breathing softly still unconscious. He could see their vitals were stable and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to leave when he saw a turf of black hair behind Minho's hospital bed. He crept around to the other side quietly. He smiled as he saw Eisa and Seungmin cuddled together on the floor, passed out from exhaustion. He sent a quick text message to Changbin, telling him he needed his help to get both of them to bed. As he waited he brushed a hair out of Eisa's face and watched as she scrunched up her nose in her sleep.

"Minho....I'm sorry...please don't die." He heard her mumble in her sleep. "Hyunjin... I'm sorry...don't hate me." He froze for a moment, worrying that he had woken her but she continued to sleep. We are really lucky to have her here, Chan thought as he watched them both sleep waiting for Changbin to appear.

Changbin appeared a few moments later in his PJs and oddly enough pig slippers. Chan looked down at Changbin's slippers and rose an eyebrow as if to say 'really?' to which Changbin gave an exasperated look 'what? You go a problem with them' his face seemed to say.

Chan nodded to Seungmin as he scooped up Eisa. Changbin moved to pick Seungmin up. Neither awoke as they were both carried to their beds. Chan called up one of the maids that lived in the mansion to help get Eisa out of her bloody scrubs. He left the room while she did this and returned to make sure Eisa was comfortable and still asleep. She breathed softly, scrunching up her face in what looked like discomfort every so often. Chan smoothed another hair from her face and pulled the covers up to make sure she was fully cozy. He took one final look at her mouthing a quiet thank you to her before closing her bedroom door.

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