Chapter 21: Masks

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The next few days were quiet ones. Eisa did everything she could to throw herself into work. She worked with Seungmin to prepare the medical area for any upcoming missions. When she wasn't in the medical area, she was in the shooting range or the gym. She rarely spent time with members other than Seungmin or Changbin. They were the only ones who didn't give her the look, that looks someone gives you when they worry about you, worried you will break into a million pieces. Seungmin and Changbin treated her like normal, joking with her and pushing her in whatever training they were doing.

Eisa lay on the gym floor, alone and sweating profusely. Changbin had left earlier to get some food and shower as they had been training for 3 hours. Eisa wasn't ready to turn it in just yet. She knew that training like this wasn't the healthiest route but she didn't care. When she pushed her limits like this, it kept the nightmares at bay. Seungmin had refilled her sleeping pills and also had her on some anxiety medicine, which did help but it was the intense gym sessions that really took the edge off. Training and working out became a drug to her. Every time her muscles screamed in pain and exhaustion, she pushed them just a little bit harder. As she lay on the floor, trying to get her second wind for the last bit of her workout she heard the gym door open. She craned her head to see if Changbin had decided to join her once again only to be met with the deep brown eyes of Minho. She quickly looked away and sat back up.

"You can tell Chan I have one more rotation in my workout and then I will be up for dinner," Eisa said not making eye contact with him as she got up and moved toward the treadmill. She got in position, setting a timed run for 30 mins. As she started her run, she saw a hand snake around to the stop button on the treadmill. "What the actual fuck?" She looked to Minho ready to fight.

"You need to stop this." He said in an even tone. She glared at him. Who did he think he was? She pushed past him to leave the gym, not bothering to say anything to him. "Eisa. Stop" He grabbed her shoulder before she made it out of the gym door. Eisa let her emotions bubbly over. She grabbed Minho's arm and threw him onto the gym mat. He groaned as he hit the mat hard. Eisa sat on top of him, putting his arms in a hold, gritting her teeth angrily as she did so. Once Minho finally realized what Eisa was doing he moved his legs, catching Eisa off guard and switching up their positions. Eisa was now on her back with Minho pinning her to the mat. He held her hands and sat so part of his weight was on her legs and part was on her hips. She growled in frustration.

"You need to stop hiding and suppressing things. It's not healthy to do this to yourself. You barely sleep unless you are exhausted to the point of passing out. You barely eat and you haven't spoken to any of us apart from Seungmin and Changbin. Felix and Han are worried and have been beating themselves up over the casino mission. I.N. and Hyunjin have been holding up in Chan's office trying to figure out how to get back at Kang. Chan has been sleeping less than you. You can't shut us out like this." Minho forced Eisa to look him in the eye by bringing his face close to hers. Eisa continued to glare.

"What the fuck do you care if I work myself to exhaustion? Weren't you the one who said that I wasn't prepared or skilled enough to help on missions? All you see me as is someone to patch up your injuries. To you, that is all I am good for. Sure, I didn't want any part of this at first but now that I am here, I will be damned if I let myself drag you all down. " She continued to stare at him. She was mad. She was mad at herself, and at him for doubting her. She watched his face soften slightly.

"I wasn't saying all that because I didn't think you could do the job. I know you have more to offer than just your medical knowledge and skills. I saw that from the first day you sparred with Changbin." This whole statement had Eisa's expression shifting from anger to confusion.

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