Chapter 26: Wounds and Allies

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SKZ arrived at the mansion first, while Ateez and Itzy pulled up behind him to make it easier to unload the injured members of their team. Yunho and Lia hopped out first from their cars to get the medical area ready for the influx of wounded members. Since Eisa and Seungmin were among the injured, Lia and Yunho treated the injuries that their members and SKZ had sustained.

Chan carried Seungmin inside, all while Seungmin was complaining that he was fine to walk on his own. Minho paused for a moment, looking down at Eisa's small form in his arms. Her face was turned to his chest and he could hear her soft breathing as she slept. The rest of the wounded from Itzy and Ateez followed behind Chan, with Minho walking carefully behind everyone. His gaze flickered between the path he was taking to the med area then back down to Eisa, keeping a close eye on her for any signs of discomfort. She felt so small in his arms, he didn't remember her looking so fragile. As he entered the medical facilities, he could hear Seungmin complaining loudly that he was fine to help out Yunho and Lia but Chan gave him a look that made Seungmin go reluctantly silent. The younger man stayed silent but the look on his face as well as the occasional huffs of annoyance let everyone know he was not happy about this.

"Lia and Yunho can handle it. The only serious injuries that we have are Wooyoung and Eisa. Rest for tonight and we can see about having you take over tomorrow." Chan gave Seungmin a look that said no arguing so the younger man fumed in silence.

"I can give him some pain meds if you want him to rest. " Lia whispered to Chan. Chan gave a weak smile but shook his head. He approached Yunho who had just finished patching up Wooyoung and now moving on to Eisa.

"How is she?" Chan spoke softly to Yunho who sighed heavily. Eisa's face was bruised and there were cuts everywhere. Nothing looked too life-threatening. What worried Chan was that cuts had left her clothing in tatters. Whatever they had done, he feared it might not have just been cutting her and giving her bruises.

"Well there are the obvious wounds and bruises but...there are also these." Yunho moved her hair away from her neck which showed two very dark hickies. Chan gritted his teeth. "I think with the wounds and these, she's in shock. The best we can do is treat the wounds, get her on some fluids and wait for her to regain consciousness." Chan nodded to Yunho and moved away to talk to Minho who was looking right at Eisa with a mix of worry and anger painting his features.

"She doesn't have any serious injuries but I am worried about psychological damage," Chan said softly pulling Minho away from the group, sensing his anger building.

"We should have been here. We shouldn't have left her alone. " Minho's voice was quiet but there was fury lacing his words. Chan sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"We might have had the same thing happen even if we were here." He looked over to Eisa. "Judging from the video she was going on a run around the mansion when it happened. They could have still grabbed her even if we were here." Chan saw Minho shake his head as he said this.

"I wouldn't have left her by herself. " Chan sensed what might be coming next and forced Minho to look at him.

"Hey. This isn't your fault. This isn't even the members who were at the mansion's fault. Bangtan had this planned before our first mission. Everything we had, all the data we had gathered, seemed legit." Chan squeezed Minho's shoulder. "They played us. All of us. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine for trusting them in the first place." Minho didn't respond. He looked once more at Eisa before hurriedly leaving the room, retreating upstairs. Chan turned to address the rest of the group in the room.

"We will have a debrief tomorrow morning. For now, everyone rest. Itzy and Ateez, you can take the guest rooms you normally use for tonight. Yunho and Lia, check on everyone in shifts. Don't tire yourselves out. " He motioned to those not helping the injured to move upstairs for the night.

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