Lil thing

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Here is the fic I was talking about in the first prologue, but in the form of a one-shot.

The Pit of Tartarus had been emptied. Kronos, the Titan Lord, had been released from his prison in Tartarus, and he was amassing an army of monsters, giants, and demons. Helheim, the land of the dead, had opened its gates, and its armies of the undead were pouring forth. The Land of the Demons was sending its own hordes of creatures to join the fight.

The demigods were outnumbered and outgunned. They had faced Kronos alone before, and he had almost destroyed them. Now, they were up against a foe they most definitely could not win against.

And so they turned to their allies. The Hunters of Artemis, led by Thalia Grace were all too happy to help, for obvious reasons. The magicians of the House of Life, led by Carter and Sadie Kane, had fought alongside Percy and Annabeth before to defeat Setne, and they were eager to help again. The einherjar of Valhalla, led by Magnus Chase, cousin to Annabeth, were also willing to lend their swords to the cause.

With these new allies, the demigods formed the First Alliance. They had sixty million soldiers, but they knew that it would not be enough. Kronos had billions of monsters at his command. Percy Jackson assumed command of the Alliance as the general, aided by Annabeth- his second-in-command and the strategist- and the rest of the seven and Carter, Sadie, Nico, Reyna, Will, and Magnus.

This group of heroes was key in the fight against the forces of evil, with the heroes of the prophecy of seven, Carter, Nico, Sadie, and Reyna fighting on the frontlines as the leaders of their respective factions and Will and Magnus being their best healers.

In the months leading up to the battle, the demigods, magicians, hunters, and einherjar trained rigorously. The weapons and armor of this time were the finest ever made by the forges of Hephaestus, each piece branded with the mark of the Alliance, symbolizing the peace between the three pantheons. They pumped out catapult after catapult, ballista after ballista, and several copies of the Argo. The army of sixty million was divided into two hundred battalions.

The army of Kronos advanced upon Camp six months after the news of their gathering reached the ears of the Alliance. The Alliance sent out a strike team, to target large groups of strong enemies. The strike team was comprised of the best of the best and they performed several surgical raids on the advancing foe. The highlights of these raids were the defeats of Atlas, Hyperion, Perses, Koios,  King Hrolf Kraki, and the Set Animal at the hands of Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel and Frank, Sam and Mallory Keen, and Zia Rashid respectively. Eventually, they retreated back to camp, to lie in wait till the army arrived.

When the army struck, it struck with brutal might, catching the heroes off guard. They, however, rallied and retaliated with the full might of the Alliance. The attacking army was caught in traps and snares, and shot by ballistae and catapult, but more and more kept taking their place and the troops on either side fell in the masses. At one point, one of the Argo's crashed into a line of ballistae, causing massive destruction. Eventually, however, the invading army was forced into a siege and their supply lines were cut off. Jason, Percy, and Nico held Kronos at bay, holding out until Will and Magnus worked together to bring daylight, weakening Kronos and forcing him to retreat.

The siege raged for a whole month. Millions of soldiers died. But in the end, the First Alliance prevailed. They broke through the defenses of their foe's army on February the First and they marched on their camp.

Kronos along with Setne and Hrym led the defense of their camp. Kronos was a towering figure, clad in armor made of solid gold, much like his eyes. He wielded a massive scythe, and he was surrounded by a host of powerful monsters.

The battle between Percy, Jason, Nico, and Kronos was one of the legends; to be sung of by the Nine Muses atop their holy mountain and to be told of by bards and heralds for eons to come as the greatest demigods to ever walk the earth met in combat a being of unimaginable power.

Only after hours and hours of fighting, the immortal stamina of Kronos matched by the conditioning of these demigods, his brutal might matched by their immaculate defense and agility was a mistake made, as the trio of demigods attacked at the same time at the same spot, only for their swords to be locked by his scythe and destroyed, releasing a shockwave of energy and blasting the demigods back.

At this point, the rest of the battle was over, the army destroyed with the last monsters having fled, Setne having long been defeated by Carter, Sadie, Mallory, and Blitzen, and Hrym having been defeated only a few minutes prior by the rest of the seven, Zia, Hearth and Julian.

Percy, Jason, and Nico got up shakily, each of them bruised and battered, as suddenly, power flowed through them as they received the blessings of their fathers and wielded their weapons, attacking Kronos with renewed strength.

Nico sank the blade of Hades deep into the earth, summoning millions of undead to hold Kronos down, Jason heaved the master bolt time and time again, forcing the Titan Lord to his knees. Percy stood right there, arms stretched to his side, the trident of Poseidon in his hand, and created a whirlpool around Kronos, going faster and faster each second.

At last, when the storm cleared, it revealed the nearly broken form of Kronos. In one final move, Percy locked Kronos into place with massive chains of water and ice and Nico created a chasm straight to Tartarus. Jason hurled the Master Bolt one last time, creating an explosion so bright it outshone the sun for many moments.

The battle had been long and bloody, and it had taken a heavy toll on the alliance. Twenty million soldiers had died, but the world was safe once again. 

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