Prolouge 2

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It had been a few months since the end of the war. As Harry sat by the window of his bedroom at the Burrow, he contemplated everything that had happened in these past few years. He thought of everyone who died in the war, families torn apart by Voldemort and his atrocious acts.

Little did he know, a group of young adults in America had these same thoughts going on in their heads as they watched the bodies of all the soldiers that had passed in yet another war go up in flames as the funeral pyres were ignited. Young adults in age, sure, but those who were mentally much older than their years, their shoulders heavy with the burden of leadership and guilt. Little did Harry know that these young adults were part of a different magical community.

He was shaken from his thoughts as someone laid their head on his shoulder. His girlfriend, Ginny Weasely. He let a smile overtake his features as she ran her hand through his messy hair.

"What were you thinking, Harry?" she asked, her voice melodious.

"Everything that has happened over these past few years- the war, the deaths, all of it. I just feel so sad nowadays. All the guilt and the burden just-argh!" he replies, his voice cracking with emotion at the end.

Ginny's face saddened as she thought of her late brother, Fred "I know, Harry, I know. It's just so depressing, thinking about all those who have died, all those who will never see their families again." she said, her voice now softer than velvet "Have you thought of what you will do know, Harry?" she asked, her hands tracing patterns into his back, comforting him.

Harry's mind wandered again. When on the run across Britain from the death eaters, on the quest with Ron and Hermione to find and destroy the Horcruxes, they'd talked briefly of what they would do after the war ended and Voldemort was dead, even if it was more for comfort than anything. 

Hermione, true to herself, had said that she would repeat her last year of Hogwarts to finish her schooling and Give her NEWTS. She had said that she wanted to take S.P.E.W further by being a rights activist and taking up politics on the side. Harry and Ron had both said that they would not repeat their final year at Hogwarts, for even though it was a home to them, the place would simply hold too many bad memories. Memories of Dumbledore, memories of everyone who had died in the battle, and memories of all they had faced in the six short years of their lives. They both said that they wanted to pursue their ambitions of becoming an Auror and that they could probably get into Auror training through their experience on the matter. If they were not able to, however, they would follow Hermione's path and redo their final years and give their NEWTS.

He relayed these thoughts to Ginny, who nodded and gave her support to him. Much to his dismay, the choice would be made for him, as the letters bearing the official seal and insignia of Hogwarts arrived the following day.

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