Beast Boy: Um, am I the only one afraid of the big portkins?

He and Starfire disappear; Robin moves up.

Robin: You're getting married?

Back off; Raven moves up.

Raven: Yeah, uh, anyone we know?

Cut to Starfire's cockpit. She taps her fingertips together in a slightly nervous way.

Starfire: Oh, I have never met him. My betrothed has been chosen for me by the Grand Ruler of Tamaran.

A shadow falls across her on the end of this. Cut to just behind her; the source is Robin, who has left his seat and made his way over here to plaster himself against the canopy.

Robin: You're getting married?!

His head grows.

Robin: And to someone you've never met?!

The gag ends, whereupon he realizes that there is no air in deep space and turns bright blue. Gasping and choking, he half-swims back to his seat.

Starfire: Of course, Robin. It is the way of my people.

Robin: But, Starfire--

An explosion nearby shakes the vessel and makes him hold that thought. A squadron of beetle-shaped fighters buzzes past, strafing the area with laser fire.

Cyborg: I don't suppose this is some kinda crazy Tamaranean welcoming committee.

Starfire shakes her head; Raven sees many blips on the radar.

Raven: Whoever they are, they've got us outnumbered ten to one.

Mason: I like those odds.

More shots flash by. Cut to a six-way split screen: Robin at the center, one Titan near each edge.

Robin: Not for long. Titans! Separate!

White light shines between the sections as they slide apart. Overhead view of the T-Ship, which splits into five pieces, each of which carries one member of the crew.

In turn, cut to a close-up of each Titan and pull back as the view dissolves to the exterior of his/her section, which reconfigures itself for solo flight. Robin's craft is the last to convert, after which the camera pulls back to frame the disassembled ship. A flare of engines, and the Titans scatter in all directions.

Mason: Okay... come catch me!

Cut to Mason as he flicks a button and music began to play inside.

Play at 1:04
As it shows his craft turning into an asteroid storm and as the ship completes its turn, asteroids start coming straight at the cockpit windows. A large asteroid tumbles away from the craft's path at top speed. Several smaller asteroids crash into the big one, creating small explosions on its surface.

Other asteroids of all sizes pass by in every direction, some colliding and exploding. The Titan craft veers around the big asteroid and races past it through the rain of rocks, followed by four alien fighters, which bob and weave around the asteroids. One of the pursuing alien fighters connects with an asteroid and explodes. The other fighters are pelted with a steady stream of smaller explosions.

Two huge asteroids tumble towards Mason, which quickly banks around both of them. The three alien fighters follow in hot pursuit until one of the fighters scrapes an asteroid and tumbles out of control into deep space.

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