Hope arrives! (Y/n) vs Nanite

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You stand a good ten metres away from Nanite before getting into a battle stance while Nanite puts one foot in front of the other and outstretches both of his arms with his hands clenched.

Nanite: Don't bore me boy.

You narrow your eyes at him and clench your hands into fists.

The waves of the sea crashed against the docks as the nano bot android and the brave Saiyan warrior stared each other down. Without a another word spoken between you both, you kick of the ground and charge at him with your right arm pulled back. Nanite watches you as you approach and simply moves his head to the left, avoiding your attempt to uppercut him. You smirk and fire a powerful blast from your hand which causes your right arm to recoil back as your elbow connects with Nanite's head which causes the android to go wide eyed. You then knee him in the jaw which sends him flying up into the sky. You chase him and throw a quick jab at the android but Nanite recovers and catches your wrist, causing you to pull your arm away in pain from the intense impact.

Nanite: Remarkable ki control boy. Much better than the other four down ther-

He's cut off as you had suddenly punched him straight in the right eye causing him to stumble backwards a few steps.

Nanite: Ah! My eye!

You float back as the android holds his eye and cringes.

(Y/n): Huh? Sorry thought we were fighting.

Nanite looks at him with his right eye twitching.

Nanite: We ARE you stupid monkey!

(Y/n): Hey!

You shout back in an offended tone before charging at him and delivering a right hook which sends him flying again.

On the floor, Coco had regained consciousness after being given a senzu bean. She shot up like a lightning bolt and looked around. She gasped in surprise when she saw Will passed out next to her.

Coco: Will...

Your sister ran over to him and shook him.

Cream: Will. Open up. This will heal you.

Will opened his eyes weakly and looks at the bean.

Will: What's that?

Cream: It's a senzu bean. Our uncle made them for everyone to eat. We only have a few left.

Will looks away from Cream and up into the sky to see you clashing with Nanite.

Will: Is that (Y/n)?

Cream: Yeah. You bought us some time just like you said. Now open up and eat the bean.

Will shook his head.

Will: No. Keep them for (Y/n).

Ruby who was now up after being fed a senzu bean, looks at beacon's guardian questioningly.

Ruby: Why?

Will: He's hiding his full potential.

Coco diverts her eyes from you and looks down at Will.

Coco: How do you know?

Will: I've seen people like Nanite do it before.

Coco goes wide eyed.

Coco: You've seen this before?!

Will nods and closes his eyes trying to recover on his own.

Will: Two times actually.

Cream decides to keep the rest of the senzu beans just in case after hearing Will's words. She then stands up and cups her hands over her mouth.

Cream: (Y/n)!

Volume 1: Android Saga (Male! Abused Saiyan Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now