The birth of something worse! Nanite

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Will stares down the newcomer. The creature naming itself Nanite, stared at its surroundings before looking up at the sky still seeing a mushroom cloud from the nuke that went off taking both Zero and Fives' lives.  It then looks at his hands and throws a few punches.

Will: Friend or foe?!

Will yells out getting Nanite's attention. The mutated android looks over at the boy before returning to throwing punches. Will grits his teeth and walks towards him however is stopped by Cream who appears in front of him.

Cream: Wait.

Will eyes her quizzically.

Will: Wait? For what?!

Cream looks at the android.

Cream: This thing...Nanite, as it calls itself. It's taken the bodies of Zero and Fives. You saw how powerful Zero was, having Fives added into that. We can't say how much more stronger this new thing is.

Nanite: I'm not even sure how much stronger I am either.

Nanite interjects himself into the pink girl's conversation with the lightning wielding man.

Nanite: You may have killed my father. However, through his body and Fives'. The nano's can now continue to help this body grow ten times over what Zero's body couldn't.

Cream sighs with her eyes closed and her hands on her hips as she shook her head left and right.

Cream: Yeah Yeah..Bored!

Cream's eyes shot open as she punched Nanite in the face. The new android drags his feet along the ground as he's knocked back by the force of the punch.

Cream: God I love Saiyan genetics.

She then powers up causing a pink aura to surround her entire body. Six comes next to Cream and powers up with white energy surrounding her. Will smirks as lightning emits from his body causing the veins in his arms to glow blue as the highlight in his hair glows and his eyes change from blue to white. He equips his daggers as the android moves it's head around.

Nanite: That is quite impressive. Did you Saiyan genetics?

Cream gives him a very confident smirk.

Cream: Yeah. I'm half Saiyan.

Nanite's recticles expand causing both his eyes to be completely glowing red.

Nanite: Is that a fact? Here I thought I was gonna be bored after our fight.

He says. Will raises a brow.

Will: What was gonna happen after our fight?

Nanite shrugs.

Nanite: Oh...I dunno yet. I'll tell you now though. It isn't good news for humanity.

Those words alone set Will off as he charges head on with Cream and Six behind him. Nanites right hand glows red. He raises it as a bright beam develops before being shot towards Will. Will sees the beam as a flash happens, blinding Nanite temporarily. Nanite's vision returns to see he missed Will and the boy was now crouched below with electricity around his right hand. Will's right hand balls up into a fist as he then uppercuts Nanite causing the android to look up. Time seemed to slow down as he sees Cream and Six descend towards him with their legs sticking out, ready to kick him. Using the momentum of the uppercut, he backflips just fast enough to dodge the two females. Will runs up and kicks the android causing him to fall to the ground. Nanites hands glow purple as bolts shoot at the boy.

Will goes wide eyed and leans back. Nanites attacks again but instead of kicking him, Will jumps back dodging the attack. Nanite launches another attack. This time Will does not duck under it, but swings his right leg at the android causing him to stumble a bit. Nanites head snaps forward when he hears someone yell. The android turns his head only to be kicks into a burning warehouse.

Volume 1: Android Saga (Male! Abused Saiyan Reader x RWBY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon