Prologue! Part 1

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Anxiety. A feeling not many of us like to endure. However it will find a way into your life no matter how hard you try to hide away from it. You were a victim of this. And it was thanks to a group of people you once called 'Family'.

Your name was (Y/n) Xiao long. You were six at the time and were currently getting beaten by your so called "Father." He would abuse you for not doing your chores or if you got snitched on by your 'sisters'. He's been doing this for as long as you can remember. He's even gone as far as to cause you to be beaten to near death four times in your life. However you've noticed his punches getting weaker. Maybe he's holding back and finally coming to his senses....right.

If only that were the truth.

Taiyang: Your grounded for not doing your chores!

He gave you one big punch to finish it off which sent you to the ground. You spat blood on the wooden floor boards and got up weakly and crawled to the corner of your bed and cried. Your so called 'sisters would come in right after and tease you about your wounds and called you names like 'weak', 'pathetic' you could name more but had a hard time remembering after you'd lise consiousness. You weren't sure why they abused you. Maybe if it was because of the chores or because of your faunas trait. You were a monkey faunas with a brown tail. Which was weird cause you expected it to be the same colour as your hair which was (H/C). Also you couldn't see in the dark either which was odd seeing as other faunas had night vision.

You knew you were adopted as you could see none of your parents had the same trait.

Your mothers Raven and Summer would neglect you after your pleas for help when and after you were beaten.

The only person you respected in this family was Qrow. He was the only one to get you something for your birthday and Christmas. But those gifts would later get taken away or broken by your sisters or father. You got him a poorly made mug made of clay saying 'best Uncle' and he would laugh and make a snowman with you.

Next day~

You were sitting next to Zwei petting him as he nuzzled your side. At least there was another member of the family who cared about you. You heard the door open and saw your 'family' walk out.

Taiyang looked at you and walked up to you.

Taiyang: who said you could stop cutting?!

You winced at his tone and turned your head away from him.

Taiyang: look at me when I'm talking to you!

You felt him wack you in the back of your neck and flinched. You looked at him.

Taiyang: If you haven't cut enough firewood for us then you can forget about sleeping inside tonight!

You looked down and nodded.

He nodded and walked with the rest of your 'family' to who knows where.

??? P.o.v

I was currently drinking tea and eating some cup noodles. I heard growling then the sound of of a ki blast going past my head. I looked behind me to see one of those awful black animal like creatures fall to the ground with its head blown off. It turned to black ash just like the rest. I looked infront of me to see my hubby with one hand up. He lowered his hand and sighed.

???: I wonder if the god of destruction in this universe would think let alone allow a planet like this to exist.

He said.

Me: Honey please no talk about gods of destruction. Remember that we're here on our honey-moon while also looking for a place to live while Jax looks after Cream. After all, we're retired and its been far too long since the last time we've actually spent time together.

Volume 1: Android Saga (Male! Abused Saiyan Reader x RWBY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt