The truth revealed! Yang and Ruby's tears

978 20 3

The next day~

You were waiting outside the Cafe. Your anxiety kept on rising and lowering as you watched the corners waiting for your old sisters to show up.

After you waited long enough. Coco arrived early and tapped you on the shoulder. You jumped and backed away.

Coco: Hey, hey hey, what's up big guy?

She asked a little concerned. She had never seen you jump like that before. You sigh and run a hand through your hair.

(Y/n): Just thought you were someone else.

Coco tilts her head. Who in the hell could make you jump?

???: Hey (Y/n)!!

An energetic voice calls out. You turn to see Ruby with Yang and Will.

Will stares at you two and takes a sigh of relief.

Will: Glad she got here first. Hopefully she's cooled the poor bastard down.

Yang: Why did you call us to meet...? I thought you didn't want to talk to us

You look down before pointing to the cafe.

(Y/n): Lets take a seat first....I'll explain.

Yang and Ruby look at each other before complying and going inside. You follow with Coco and Will as they choose a table. You sit down. The silence is thick as you all stare at each other.

Will: So. (Y/n), Is there anything you'd like to say?

Will asks trying to break the ice.

You look down then at Ruby and Yang.

(Y/n): I'm....Sorry. For declining your friendship the other day. I....realise that what I said may have been disrespectful towards you considering how you had....lost your brother.

Yang raises a brow while Ruby's head lowers.

Ruby: It's okay....I just thought it would have been a good thing to welcome you to a friends group. Although after seeing you with JNPR and CFVY, I think you've done alright for yourself.

You fake a smile at her. Will could tell you needed help if you were ever going to get through this. So he nudges Coco.

Will: Can you hold his hand?

Coco blushed.

Coco: W-What?

Will gestures to your hand that rested on the table.

Will: Hold his hand. This next part is gonna be tough for him to spit out so he needs guidance. After all, he wanted you here.

Coco blushed bright red at the fact that you wanted her to be here with you.

Coco: O-Okay. Next part?

She wonders in confusion as to what Will meant by that. She looks at you and holds your hand tightly. You look at her and your breathing steadies.

Yang: So what? You asked us to meet you at a cafe to say sorry and become friends again?

You shook your head as your hand tightened around Coco's.

(Y/n): I.....I didn't ask you here to tell you that really.

You say as you look at the two girls.

Ruby: Why then? Why did you ask us to meet you.

You take a deep breath.

(Y/n): Your brother...the one you mentioned. His name was (Y/n) Xiao Long. He was six years old when he went missing, correct?

Volume 1: Android Saga (Male! Abused Saiyan Reader x RWBY)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum