Clones, Conspiracies, The Senate Oh My!

Start from the beginning

Mas Amedda didn't speak for a moment. "The emperor, as always, trusts this delegation to act in the best interests of all galactic citizens."

Senator Riyo Chuchi moved her chair to the other side of Senator Pamlo, "and what about the interests of the clone troopers?" She may have been short and easily missed but she made up for it with her loud voice. "Why are they not included within this legislation?"

"The clone army cannot sustain given their accelerated aging and should be slated for decommissioning." The female senator said.

"They are not droids to simply be shut down." Senator Chuchi said. "These are soldiers who defended us, defended our worlds."

"Mmm, I didn't realize you spoke on the clones behalf, Senator Chuchi." The senator said.

"If we don't, who will?" Senator Chuchi demanded. "After all they have sacrificed you now wish to discard them? Leave them with nothing? Is that how we repay them for their service?" The crowd murmured. "Is that what this empire stands for? How can we debate commissioning a new army without a plan in place to care for our current one?"

Admiral Rampart moved his chair. "I hear your concerns, Senator Chuchi." He started. "Allow me to assure this delegation that provisions are in place to aid the clones as they begin to be phased out."

"What do you know about their needs, admiral? Have you asked them?" Senator Chuchi questioned. "Or do they not get a say in their future?"

"I am open to discussing any and all provisions you, or the clones have in mind." Admiral Rampart said. "If we work together I am confident we can adequately address their concerns."

"Well, until then, I motion to table the vote on the Defense Recruitment Bill." Senator Organa said.

"I second." Senator Pamlo said.


A clone moved through the lower levels of Coruscant. He was on edge. "It's Slip." The clone sighed into his com-link. "I'm in some trouble." He paused. "I've heard you can help get me out, but you have to hurry. I don't have much time." He pocketed the com-link and continued to move on.

Hours later the same clone was sneaking his way about lower Coruscant. He hid and pulled out the com-link. "I'm at the rendezvous. Where are you?" The clone asked.

The contact on the other end spoke. "Im en route. Hang tight." The clone wiped sweat from his forehead when he heard footsteps approaching. He carefully took a couple steps back, holding his blaster up, arms shaking. 

A Pantoran guard stepped out along with the hands of another pantoran. "Easy trooper." The other Pantoran, a female, called out. 

Slip, the clone, lowered his blaster. "Senator?" He questioned. 

She stepped out from the corner. "You're a hard person to track down." She said. 

Slip moved towards her. "What are you doing?" He asked.

I believe you were telling the truth about Admiral Rampart, when we spoke earlier." Senator Chuchi said. "I want you to help me."

Slip shook his head. "No. No. No, no. No, no. I'm leaving once he gets here."


"Someone who can make me disappear, where the empire can't find me. How did you even find me? Were you followed? If you can get to me, so can they."

"I can protect you. Once the senate hears what you have to say-"

The clone cut her off. "Senator, you're not listening to me. They already killed Cade. My life is in danger. Yours will be too." The clone moved away from her. "You have to go." 

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