Chapter 211-215

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Chapter 211 The Hero Saves the Beauty
  Qin Ling fell from a high altitude, and the height plus inertia caused him to fall heavily to the ground.

  The mental attack became more violent, Qin Ling tried hard to get up, but there was no way.

  With a splitting headache, he hugged his head and curled up on the ground.

  A few high-grade crystals quickly appeared in Qin Ling's hands to quickly replenish his spiritual power.

  Obviously, as the leader of the alliance, Qin Ling has space treasures on him.

  Qinling's space treasure was a ring before, but it was searched by savages in the rainforest, and it was replaced later.

  Only with strong mental strength can one resist more spiritual attacks.

  After quickly absorbing the spar in his hand, Qin Ling endured the spiritual attack from the spirit beast, approached the wall and tried to pull the rope that had been let down to climb up.

  At this moment, the gate is tightly closed, and the outside scene cannot be seen from the base of the city gate.

  Some bold and high-attribute supernatural beings crowded on the tower and could see the outside scene.

  On the top of the city wall, the second, third, and Tang Mo stood on the high wall, watching the battle outside, monitoring and preparing for the next reaction at any time.

  Seeing the current situation of their boss, everyone was extremely anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

  I don't know why, but the spirit beast's mental attacks were all concentrated on Qin Ling's body, and they were able to stand safely on the wall now.

  Once they go down to help, they will inevitably suffer mental attacks as well.

  They are not Qin Ling, and they are afraid that they will not be able to help, and they want the boss to save themselves.

  Qin Ling had been firmly at the top of the China rankings until the end of the Tang Dynasty.

  This first place is not for nothing.

  You must know that Qin Ling is a user with agility attributes, not spiritual attributes.

  The previous supernatural beings were about to lose their ability to act when they suffered group mental attacks.

  And now, Qin Ling alone has endured the mental attack that everyone suffered just now.

  The superimposed injuries made him only limited in movement, but he was able to struggle to stand up and walk, which is already a very remarkable thing.

  "As expected of being number one in China's leaderboard, if I endured such a long mental attack alone, I would probably be paralyzed directly."

  The people on the tower watched the battle, and said to the people around them with lingering fear.

  "If it was you? If it were you, you wouldn't dare to go out at all, would you?"

  The person next to him laughed mercilessly.

  The people on the tower were originally the best in attribute value, but at this time they were still stunned by Qin Ling's amazing resistance.

  You must know that the wave of supernatural beings who suffered only a few seconds of group mental attacks just now are still lying in the back vomiting blood.

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