A New Role

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Tony's sleep was interrupted by the sound of the shower running.

He checked the clock. It wasn't morning yet; Not time to wake up by any means.
Suddenly, Peter dashed out of the bathroom and ducked under the covers with a quickness fully nude.

No padding.

No costumes.

No play-clothes.

"Cold?" Tony pulled Peter in for warmth startling him.

"You're awake! I'm so sorry!" Pete shivered as he buried himself in Tony's arms. "It's freezing!"

"JARVIS, increase the room temp a couple degrees and give us another blanket, will ya?" Tony said to the walls.
The walls responded!
Peter heard the whir of the heat kicking on, but more impressively, a small robot emerged from the foot of the bed, stretching out a long arm and unfolding a fleece blanket that spread over the two heroes.

"Whoa! That was so cool!" Pete had been an Avenger for 7 years, but the little things never ceased to amaze him.

Tony wore a proud smile, glad he could still impress his lover with something as simple as a blanket and turning up the heater.

"Anything you need, just tell JARVIS. I really want you to start thinking of this as your place too." Tony's arms tightened around Peter as he kissed his wet hair. "I had so much fun with you last night, Baby."

Peter laughed a saucy laugh.
That was a good sign.

"I had fun too. And you were perfect! Man! It was so hot! The way you touched me and the way you mouthed my fingers! Mm! I really liked it. But um...I'm not ready to go a whole night yet." Peter smiled, reassuring Tony, who reached to caress him.

"I guess that's okay. Take your time. Whatever you need. I love this. I love being with you. And I adore exploring with you. I really do, Parker!" Tony gave Peter's ass a playful slap.

"Parker-Stark before long." Peter teased.

"Why not Stark-Parker? Or just Stark?"

Peter thought for a moment, toying with the idea.

"Peter Stark? Not bad. How about Tony Parker? Hmmm?"

Tony was silent. He smiled.

"You know, sometimes I wish I could erase the evils of the Stark name." The atmosphere turned weighty. Peter sensed this and gave Tony a reassuring squeeze. "Maybe a name change would do us some good. 'Parker-Stark Industries?' Or we could do a mashup and call it 'Starker?'"

"Peter and Tony...Starker? Um...Maybe, Honey, maybe." Peter giggled and caressed Tony under the blankets, starting to warm up.

"Well, whatever we call ourselves, I'm just happy to have you." Tony climbed on top of Peter looking down into his brown eyes before locking lips in a warm kiss.

"Me too." Peter combed his fingers through Tony's hair before cupping his cheek in his palm. "I love you, Tony. I always have. Always." Peter kissed Tony a tender kiss.

"I've always loved you, Pete. First, as my friend. Then, as my lover, and now I can't wait to marry you and share it all with you."

"I think that's why we mesh so well. We were friends first. Well, actually, you were my hero first!"

"I was every bit as impressed with the Spiderling as you were with 'Iron Man.' I was proud to take you under my wing." Tony smiled at the memory.

Peter took a serious tone.

"This might be weird to say, but...you...you never took advantage. I really appreciate that. Thank you. It means a lot."

Tony seemed surprised and a little confused.

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