Love and Friendship

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"This is great, Tony! I'm really excited!" Happy was chauffeuring peter and Tony to a dive bar on karaoke night.

All of the Avengers were invited. They planned to display their relationship to their teammates and friends on a fun-filled night.
The two were about to arrive fashionably late.

Peter held Tony's hand tightly as he leaned in for one quick good luck kiss.

"Are you sure that you're ready?" Tony ran his fingers through Peter's hair.

"Actually...I'm starting to get a little nervous."

"That's okay, Sweetheart! Tell ya what, we'll give it a minute. Then, like we said, we'll just start holding hands. It will all be fine." Tony kissed Peter's forehead. "Besides, there is NO WAY we could keep this a secret for long!"

They had arrived.
Tony, Peter, and Happy walked in to find their friends. It looked like everyone had a drink already. The atmosphere was relaxed.

Steve had his arm around Bucky. He was the first to notice as they entered.

"Hey! Tony! Peter! And you brought Happy! Always a pleasure. And Peter, what's this I hear about you turning 21?!"

Peter laughed nervously. "Yeah, that's right! Finally!" Peter smiled

"Have a drink on me. You deserve it!" Steve put his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Happy birthday, Peter," Bucky added.

Steve had Bucky. Natasha and Dr. Banner chatted over drinks. Loki sat in Thor's lap. And Wanda held hands with Vision. Everyone seemed to be paired off.
Peter tried to relax.
His relationship with Tony seemed...almost normal while surrounded by so many not-normal people.

"Peter! Happy birthday!" Thor's booming voice caused everyone to stop and look.

"It's your birthday? Happy birthday!" Loki sang in his darling accent.

"His twenty-first birthday." Tony placed his hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter leaned into the touch.

Steve saw this. He studied their body language for a moment. He knew something was up.

"Tony, can I talk to you for a second. Excuse us."
Everyone had their attention on Peter to buy him shots and ask about his birthday.
Steve whisked Tony away to an empty hallway.

"What's up, Cap?" Now it was Tony who was nervous.

"How long has this been going on?" Steve's voice was serious. Was this an interrogation?

"Couple weeks. Why? What's the deal?"

Steve sighed.

"I heard a rumor that you went on a trip with some young hottie. I had no idea it was a team member. Peter's a nice kid, Tony." Steve's voice sounded accusatory.

"And just what are you implying?"

"Tony, be real with me. Are you playing with Peter's emotions? Is this just a game?"

"I'll have you know I don't really KNOW how to show affection very well besides spending cash and going on trips. But no. To answer your question. No. I'm not playing with Peter. It's for real."

Steve thought for a moment.

"That's great to hear, Tony." Steve's voice softened.


"Really. I always hoped you'd find love. Maybe settle down. Find someone to support you. Peter has loved you for a long time!"

"Yeah. I was thrilled when he asked me out."

"He asked YOU, huh?"

"Oh yeah! He paid and walked me home too. Classy gentleman, my guy."

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