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Tony knows about Peter's taboo desire to baby him and take care of him. After their sad discussion, the iron man has an idea to let Peter take the reins and baby him all night. Fun ensues.

Tony was beyond adorable in the baby clothes Peter had dressed him in. He suckled the pacifier in his lips contently, making the most precious chucking sound.

He had just opened up to Peter.
Peter had just opened up to him.

The two were vulnerable yet bonded.
Safe in each other's arms.

Peter lay on his back on the couch with Tony curled up on his chest. With one hand, Peter massaged Tony's hair and scalp. It felt so good that the iron man could have started purring! Peter's other hand caressed Tony's lower back, occasionally squishing his diaper to make it crinkle.

Seeing the older man dressed in baby clothes and allowing himself to be cared for was Peter's fantasy, and Tony did it so well!

"Baby, are you getting sleepy?" Peter cooed.

Tony was well in character.
Deep in "little space," he shook his head no and smiled a playful smile.
Peter looked into his big brown eyes, made to look even brighter in contrast with the blue pacifier. Peter kissed Tony's cheek.

"Okay, Sweetheart. What would you like to do? Wanna start another movie?"

"Cartoons!" his voice was muffled by the pacifier.

"Cartoons it is then! Are you hungry?"

"Little bit."

"Stay right here." Peter gave Tony the remote and headed for the kitchen. He came back with a bottle full of what looked like milk.

Tony knew the drill. He sat in Peter's lap as Pete held him and fed him.
"Mmmm...! What is that?" Tony was surprised to find that the bottle was warm.

"Almond milk Baileys." Pete laughed.

Tony relaxed into Pete's hold and slowly suckled the adult beverage from the baby bottle.
Peter admired his love. Full lips in a perfect pout around the nipple of the bottle.

"Please...another?" Tony whined after finishing the first one.

"Sure, Babe." This time Peter lifted Tony on his hip like a baby and carried him into the kitchen. He set Tony on the counter; his legs adorned with footie pajamas dangled over the edge. Peter had to kiss him. He was just too cute.
Peter continued to smother Tony with kisses as the almond milk warmed up. When finished, Peter handed Tony the bottle and watched as he put it to his mouth with both hands, thirstily drinking it down.

"Such a big boy! All gone? Want more?"

"Water this time? Please."

"Sure thing." Peter carried Tony back into the living room. They snuggled as Tony suckled his water. Tony pushed back off Peter.

"Daddy?" Tony pulled at the neck of his onesie. "I'm getting really hot."

"Yeah? As much as I like seeing you all hot and sweaty, I better fix that!" But instead of unzipping Tony's pajamas, Peter got up and adjusted the air conditioning.

"Hey!" Tony protested.

"Problem solved!" Peter kissed Tony. He gave him a little space to cool off.

The two men giggled and watched cartoons. The laughs were much needed after the tragic topics of their earlier conversation.

Tony let out a little yawn and a shiver. Peter saw this and retrieved a blanket. The two snuggled underneath, sharing body heat. Peter reached down to squeeze Tony's diaper.

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