More Secrets

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Tony has just opened up to Peter. Now it's Pete's turn to share a harmful memory.

*disclaimer* Talk of uncomfortable subjects.

Peter held Tony against his chest.

"Thank you, Peter. This is nice."

"Yeah. It is, huh?" Peter kissed Tony's hair.
Tony returned the favor with a kiss on Peter's jawline.

Tony had admitted to Peter that he had been abused by a former lover. The man of iron finally had someone to open up to about the pain in his life.
Peter continued to plant little kisses in Tony's hair to soothe him.

"My GOD, this is nice." Tony nestled into Peter's warmth. "I really like this, Peter." Tony let himself cry for a minute.

"I'm right here, Baby," Peter repeated while caressing his love. "I'm right here."

Those three words meant more to Tony than anything else he'd ever heard.

Tony's emotions were mixed. He was sad at the release of this pain but happy to have someone to be there and to share it with. He smiled and cried, laughed and sobbed. Peter just kept repeating, "It's okay," Two beautiful words, "I'm right here." Those three precious words.

Tony's mood started to lighten. He was happy to have Peter. It was almost like those hurtful things in past relationships didn't even matter anymore. It was just one more thing to go to Pete about.

"It's okay," Peter kissed Tony's forehead. "I'm right here."
The more Tony heard it, the more he believed it.
It really was okay.
Despite everything.
He was okay.
Because Pete was there.

Tony felt warm and light and...playful.

"Peter! You wanna baby me? Like right now? I feel the sudden urge to...just let you take care of me."

"Yeah!! Of course, Tony! I'm so glad this is happening! I actually packed some stuff in my overnight bag, just in case!"

Tony rolled over on the couch allowing Peter to squeeze out and grab his bag.
The first thing he did was slip a blue pacifier in Tony's mouth.
Tony was soothed by the silicone nub between his full lips.
But it didn't stop there.
Peter removed all of Tony's clothes and dressed him in a diaper. One with teddy bears and balloons across the front. That should have been sufficient, but Peter then clothed Tony in a blue, footed, pajama set with a button flap seat.

"Wow," Tony exclaimed looking at his outfit.

"Too much?"

"Not enough, Pete. Go further!"

"Well, I have a bib too...." Peter laughed

"I'm kidding. This is perfect. I feel...warm." Tony dropped his inhibitions and lowered his walls. He and his blue fleece onesie settled on top of his lover, Peter, pacifier in tow.

For a while, neither of them said anything. Tony just rested while making a soft suckling noise on the pacifier.
The sound was music to Peter's ears. He could stay like that forever.

"Hey, Pete...?" Tony broke the silence.

"What's that, Baby?" Peter cooed, loving Tony in this fashion.

"Truth or dare?!"

Peter laughed.

"Truth! I guess...."

"I um...opened up to you about being hurt..."

"Yeah, Baby?"

Tony became serious. As serious as possible in a teddy bear diaper.

"Pete, has anything like that ever happened to you?"

Peter took a deep breath.

"No." Peter's expression went completely blank, "Not exactly. But I mean, I get it. People can be total jerks. I get that."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," Peter laughed awkwardly. "But I guess if I told you some stuff might make sense...about me. And us." Peter patted Tony's diapered bottom as he said this.

Tony shifted his position so that he could see Peter face to face. He searched Peter's expression, ready to accept a denial of Pete's past, or ready to hear what made his spider tick.

"You know, my aunt May. She, uh, used to have boyfriends in and out. That was tough. I missed Uncle Ben. And some of these guys were real trash, real lowlives."

"They mess with you?"

Peter nodded. He stayed silent for a while.

"Yeah," Peter laughed trying to make light, but he was tearing up. "One in particular. Uh...he'd tease me for being such a nerd, and that part was no big. It happens, but he', get me drunk? Like really drunk...just to...laugh at me as I'd stumble around and...piss myself."

Tony took a moment, replaying the words in his head. Making sure he had understood correctly.

"WHAT?" Tony almost jumped off of the couch. "What in the actual fuck?!"

"Yeah, I know. Pretty twisted, right?" Peter again tried to laugh but his tears gave him away.

"Peter wow. I'm so...I don't even know what to say. Did you to anyone about that?"

"Yeah! I did. I pretty dark for a while and May kept asking me what was wrong. Finally told her the basics. She set me up with a counselor." He cleared his throat, "So that was good. That helped. Um...but at first part of me wanted to get revenge? Like, hurt him how he hurt me. And I got past that part, but then...I don't know, I just wished that I had help." Peter's voice broke at the word, "help".
"When I didn't get it...I think I...kinda turned into the person that I needed in that time."

Tony did the math. It all made sense.

"You needed...a 'daddy?'"
Peter nodded.
"Someone to take care of you and tell you it's okay when...that happens. Peter, I...I don't know what to say."

"Seeing the counselor...that was right about when I met you for the first time. I talked about my crush on you...she said it was just....'daddy issues.' But I don't believe that. Not at all."

"Wonder what the opposite of 'daddy issues' is? You don't need me to take care of you, you need take care of. Am I right?"

"Yeah!" Peter wiped away tears. "You really get me." He laughed and hugged Tony.
Tony thought long and hard. He squeezed Peter with his whole body, not knowing what to say.
He had a thought.

"Hey, Peter?"

"Yeah, Tony." Pete wiped away a few remaining tears.

"Would it make you...feel better to REALLY baby me tonight? All night?"

Peter laughed and smiled.

"Well, yeah, Baby! That always makes me happy!" Peter pulled the fleece adorned Tony up for a tender kiss on the lips.

"Let's do it then! I'm your baby. And I'm all yours."

"Oh, Baby!" Peter exclaimed squeezing Tony.

"Take care of me, Peter. It's what we both need." Tony whispered as he kissed Peter passionately on the lips.

"Oh yes! I want that so much! that okay, Baby?"

"Of course it's okay!" Tony giggled playfully then turned serious, "And Peter? I'm right here."

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