Spider's Web

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Tony and Peter act out a long-time fantasy of Peter's.

"What about you, Tony?" Peter nuzzled Tony's stubbly neck. "Have you told anyone?"

"No. Not yet. I kind of want to throw a big party! Have a massive 'coming out' party. What do you think?"

"OH WOW! I mean, I kind of like the idea of making a big deal and I definitely like having a fun way to tell our friends, but..."

"Or, other option, we just have a fun party. And during that time we happen to hold hands and anyone who cares enough to ask, we tell!"

"I like that idea!" Peter was excited. "Hey Tony, um, it doesn't bother me, but...I do know that you used to 'bed' many women. Did you do that with men...too?"

Tony sighed. "No, Peter. And about half of those women were a 'beard' a way to hide the fact that I was not so into women. Overcompensating, basically. Only one...man and that was hell so I was in no rush to relive THAT part of my life."
Peter hugged Tony and caressed his hair.

"No one will ever hurt you again, Tony. I won't let them!"
Tony felt safe with his spider.

"But to answer your question, no. No, I was never promiscuous with THAT. It's just too much! You really have to trust a guy to do...THAT. Does that make sense?"

"Yes! You and I waited and it was still a big deal. I mean the prep alone. I could never just DO that with the guys at school."

"The guys at school." Tony sassed. "Did you ever think of that in school?"

"Well, yeah. But, like you said, I could never, NEVER trust someone that much. I didn't want to be casual with it and I just didn't meet anyone I felt that strongly about. But maybe that's because I always carried a torch for...you. I never dreamed I would actually get to hold you and kiss you."

"I feel the same way. My little spidering, all grown up into my sexy spider-boyfriend."

"Tony, can I ask you something?"


"The man that hurt you...did he go to jail? Is he still around? Is it someone I know?"

"No, Peter. He's...not around anymore. He's gone."

"Good. Do you think you could ever do that again? With me?"

"Yeah. I want to. I trust you and maybe making new fun memories will erase those bad memories."

"I had an idea that when we do that I'll have you on top of me. That way you can be in charge. I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

"That sounds good. You gonna baby me when I do that?"
Peter laughed.

"Maybe. Definitely spoil you and coddle you and smother you with kisses."

"Don't spoil me too much! I'll turn into a brat."

"Oh no, you're right! My bratty baby." Peter was excited by the idea. He wrapped his arms around Tony grabbing his buttocks. "You know what happens to bratty babies, don't you?"

"How should I know?" Tony played coy as he placed a hand on Peter's chest. "I'm NEVER a brat. Never ever."

Peter smacked Tony's ass with a firm whack.

"Hey! What was that for."

"That was for fibbing!"

"No fair!"

*Whack* Peter spanked Tony again.

"What now?!"

"For back talking!"

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