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45. little pups

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Grace and Derek would have not expected what would have happened the next day. After making sure that everyone was okay and not severely injured and calling their parents and guardians, they all went to bed. Not after Grace calls her father and tells the news about Albus.

Needless to say, the father was heartbroken to find out that his son was one of the rogue wizards and witches that caused chaos around the wizarding world. Although, he did inform his daughter that he was not familiar with the spell that was cast. He did however promise to ask his close friends for their knowledge about it.

What Grace did not expect was, she would not have to wait for her father's news because she and Derek were woken up by the sounds of crying.

They rushed to the sound, confused the sound but then became frozen at the sight. Seeing as the pups didn't want to be apart, they had all cuddled on the couch. But this time, that morning, Derek and Grace could not believe their eyes.

There on their couch laid their pack, but different. Cora sat confused and shocked like her brother and best friend. "You're seeing this too, right?" Grace asked as she stared at the now younger versions of the pups.

Her voice caught the attention of the pups. "Mom!" "Mama!" the little children that were her pups rushed to her and hugged her legs as the babies stopped crying. She unconsciously placed her hands on Kira's and Lydia's heads before turning to Derek who was still staring at Theo who struggled to keep Isaac and Liam from falling off the sofa.

"We have to call Deaton."

"Already ahead of you."

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After the initial shock and calling Deaton, the druid would not be able to get there until after breakfast because of the sudden rush of patients at the clinic. This gave the alpha couple to talk while Cora was helped by Scott, Stiles, and Allison who didn't seem to be that young.

In the kitchen, the couple was waiting for the food to be done heating up and was talking about what was happening.

"Well, now we know what that damn spell did," Derek whispered as he glanced at the dining area where the pups were waiting patiently. Grace sighed, "What are we going to do Der?"

The alpha turned to her only to see her frowning worriedly. He sighed and placed a hand on top of hers. This made her look at him and hummed. "It's going to be okay." He reassured her. She hummed and nodded, "I know."

He sent her a smile and tilted his head, "And you have to admit, they are cute." He said with a smile. She let out a chuckle but nodded, "Yeah they are."

Their moment was cut off by a clear of someone's throat. They turned to see a flabbergasted Peter. The alpha couple looked at him, "What the hell happened?" the elder Hale asked loudly.

This caused the children to gasp, "Mama! Dad! Peter said a bad word!" Theo tattled making the twins and Kira giggle. Grace laughed and started to bring the food to the dining area, "Care to help me, Stiles and Scott?"

The two children rushed to luna and helped her. Derek placed Lydia on her seat while Cora walked in with the two youngest pups in her arms. "Uh- problem."

Grace looked at her, "Yeah?" "These little pups don't have a chair." Cora said as she bounced them. The luna pursed her lips before turning to Derek. The alpha hummed and turned to Peter, "Let's go." He said.

The elder Hale scoffed and crossed his arms, "Not until you tell me what the hell is going on here." He said stubbornly. "Peter!" Grace scolded him. The werewolf scoffed, "You can't honestly believe Stiles didn't say it at this age." He argued back.

Derek rolled his eyes, "I'll tell you while were getting the high chairs." "Are they still alive?" Peter asked following her nephew out of the house.

Grace shook her head and walked to Cora, grabbing Liam and tickling his tummy. He giggled making Isaac pout and furrow his eyebrows, he huffed and Cora scoffed, "You are really a baby now huh." She teased as she followed her luna to the dining room where Allison was keeping the others entertained.

Grace didn't have a clue what was going on but one thing popped into her head; her pups were damn cute at this sight.

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