Confused Connor

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Jude's POV:

As I'm walking up to the school scared that I ruined my chance of still being friends with Connor after Fridays incident. As I'm walking up to the side of the school I see something that I didn't expect Connor's kissing another guy. I know I told him that I wanted to stay friends with him and not get into a relationship but that doesn't give him the right to go and kiss another guy. As I see them making out I decide to just walk away. As I'm walking away I feel like I ruined my chance of ever getting back together with him. So as I'm walking away I start crying and hear someone call my name from behind me.

" Hi Jude. We were just looking for you" says Taylor as I walk up to her. " Are you ok" she asks as she sees me wipe a tear away from my eye? " Ya I just had something in my eye" I lie. " I wanted to say that I'm sorry for causing all the drama Friday" says Daria. As I'm about to answer I'm interrupted by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. " Hey.. I was calling your name back there" says Connor as he moves closer to Taylor and Daria so that he's facing my face. " So" I say mad at him for kissing another guy. " Did I do something" says Connor as he acts like he didn't just kiss another guy? " Ya you did! So just go back to kissing your boyfriend and leave me alone" I say getting an attitude at him! " You know what I will! Says Connor as he yells at me. " Good now get away from me" I say still with attitude. " I will and I'll stay away from you for good" says Connor as he walks away from us. As I see Connor walk away I turn back and look at Taylor and Daria as I see they have surprised looks on their faces. " Are you really gonna let him say that to you" asks Daria? " Why not" I say upset that we're talking about this. " You guys have been best friends for so long and you're just gonna end it because of some stupid fight" asks Taylor really upset for some reason? " Why do you care" I ask sounding angry? " Because I want you to be happy" says Taylor caring. " You know what will make me happy.... Dropping this conversation... that will make me happy" I say wanting this conversation to end. " Sorry" says Taylor feeling bad. " Let's go to class before we're late" says Daria as the warning bell goes off. As we hear the bell we start walking to class.

Connor's POV:

Ok so first he doesn't want to have a relationship with me and then when I kiss another guy he gets mad at me. Jude make up your mind because you're seriously confusing me. " Does he still like me" is the first thing that comes to my mind. As I'm thinking all this stuff I'm making out with the new guy Nick to help me get my mind off of Jude but while kissing him all I can think of is Jude and how he's a way better kisser then this Nick guy. This Nick guy is really cute though but I still don't know how I feel about him though.

" I can't do this" is the first thing I say as I pull away from him. " why not" asks Nick as he looks confused? " I enjoy kissing you and all but I don't know how I feel about you. I don't want to get ahead of myself and lead you on if I end up not liking you the way you like me" I say as a stumble on a few of my words. " So you're saying you don't like me" says Nick looking sad? " What I'm saying is that I don't know if I like you or if I'm just mad at someone and using you to clear my head" I say stuttering a few times as I try not to cry. " Well I'm gonna go so that you can think" says Nick as he walks away pissed off. " Call me when you get your head straightened out " says Nick still walking away from me. As he gets farther away from me I bend down on my knees and hit the ground mad at Jude for being confusing and mad at myself at the same time.

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