Honestly Beginning Again

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General POV:

It's now Monday morning and Jude is walking up to the school scared that Austin is going to yell at him.

" Hey Jude" yells Connor as he runs up to Jude and gives him a hug. " Have you seen Austin. I need to talk to him" said Jude wondering where Austin was to make sure that Austin's not mad at him. " So did your moms ever find out who took your wallet" asked Connor curiously? " Nope and I'd rather not talk about that" said Jude feeling sad still. " I'm..... so...sorry" said Connor feeling bad for bringing it back up again." It's ok... let's just drop it" said Jude. " ok" said Connor as they walked in silence again.

**** Later in Math****

Jude's POV:

I was sitting there in math class barely paying attention to anything the teacher was talking about and then someone came in the class and whispered something into our teachers ear.

" Jude and Connor you're needed in the principles office" said the teacher as the other person left the room. As we got into the hallway Connor asked the same thing that I wanted to ask which was, " do you know why we're being called into her office"? " No clue" I said as we got to the door.

This is the first time that I've ever been completely scared walking into my mother's office and I don't know why. When we sat down I heard the most surprising news that I've ever heard. As I heard the news I cried into Connor's shoulder and apologized afterwards.

" Is it because of me" is the first thing I said after I stopped crying? " No honey it's not your fault. He just said that he didn't want to make things any more complicated for you so he decided to transfer schools" said Lena calmly and honestly. " Is he still living in the same place" asked Connor for some reason? " Yes he is and if you want to know anything else I think you should ask Austin himself" said Lena letting us go back to class.

*** After School***

General POV:

Jude and Connor are outside the school sitting on a tree branch that looks like an arch talking.

" So do you think we will ever see Austin again" Jude asked feeling like Austin left because of him? " I don't know. But it's not your fault that he left. He chose to leave" said Connor trying to comfort Jude. As he comforted Jude, Jude put his head on Connor's shoulder. " Did I ever tell you how awesome you are" said Jude looking up at Connor's face. " Yes you have. Did I ever tell you how much I love you" Connor said looking into Jude's eyes. As he looked into Jude's eyes he got closer and closer to Jude's face. " Connor we're just friends" said Jude backing away from Connor's face. " I'm sorry I just can't help it" said Connor as he put his hands on his face. " I know you didn't mean to.. it's just..... I need some time to figure everything out" said Jude moving Connor's hands away from his face. " So you're not mad at me" asked Connor feeling guilty? " Yes I'm not mad at you... now let's go home" said Jude helping Connor get up. " Ok" said Connor getting up. " Hey Jude" said a familiar voice behind them. They both look back and see Daria and Taylor waving to them. " Hi Taylor" said Jude happily. " Is it true that Austin's gone" asked Daria? " Yep" said Jude. " Are you ok" asked Taylor? " Yep.. I just broke up with him and he decided to leave because he didn't want to cause anymore drama" said Jude. " Group hug" said Daria as they all hugged and laughed. " I can't breath" Jude says as he laughs and smiles. Taylor and Daria always know how to make Jude and Connor happy.

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