Walking Alone

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I'm sorry this chapter is really short but the next one will be really long and better..... Like the past few @xojoshy helped me with the storyline

Jude's POV:

This has been the best date I've ever been on and I have to give Connor some of the credit because I wouldn't be skating with Austin if he didn't tell Austin that I like skating. I'm not even mad that he told Austin that I like skating when I really don't. But having Austin skating with me is actually making me start to like skating for once.

****five minutes later****

We've been skating for around 2 hours now and I'm beginning to get tired so I'm going to see if Austin wants to call it a night.

" Hey Austin, I'm getting kind of tired. Do you wanna call it a night and walk me home" I ask him? " Sure lets go" he says as we skate off the rink and take off skates and leave. As we leave the rink we start to talk about how much fun we've had. " I've had a great night. Thanks for the amazing night" I say to Austin as we begin to hold hands again and walk back to my house. " I'm glad you're having an amazing night. I've been having an amazing night with my amazing boyfriend" he says back to me with the cute little smile on his face that he always makes. " Aww stop it. You know that always makes me blush" I say as I play hit him. " That's why I do it" he says laughing at me. The next thing I know we stop walking and look into each other's beautiful eyes and start kissing each other like couples do in those chick flicks.

Connor's POV:

I can't believe right after Kevin and I left the skating rink he ditched me. Of course I should have seen it coming since I did lie to him and tell him that we were going to get revenge on Jude. Which I tried getting revenge on Jude by making him skate with Austin when he doesn't like skating. Well I have to admit, it's really scary walking alone outside in the dark. You never know when someone could be following you and you wouldn't know it because it's dark outside. After I'm halfway home I unexpectedly see a ambulance rush past me in the direction of the skating rink but I ignore it because I don't have anything to worry about. Everyone I know is safe with other people.

Stef's POV:

I don't know why but for some reason I'm starting to get worried because Jude should have been home 2 hours ago and I haven't gotten a single text from him telling me he's home yet but I ignore it and continue to sleep.

**** 10 minutes later****

"ring ring" I hear my phone go off so I grab it and answer it.

"Hello it's Stefanie Foster" I say answering the phone. I hang up the phone feeling like my heart just broke in two. I get out of bed and fall to the floor crying and can't stop crying. " Stef what's wrong... Stef..... stef........" says Lena as she tries to calm me down..... My heart is officially broken.

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