Hospital Heartache Part 2

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Both part 1 and this part of Hospital Heartache were helped created by @xojoshy but this one was more their idea then the first part. The third part is going to be a different title though.

Lena's POV:

I might look like I'm not hurting from seeing Jude laying there not moving but on the inside I'm hurting like no other. As I'm just sitting there with Mariana's head on my shoulder I can't stop thinking about all the times that we've been in this hospital. As we're all sitting there in complete silence I see the door open and Connor walks in completely silent with a mad look on his face.

"What are you doing here" asks Austin sounding and looking surprised? " I'm here to see Jude" said Connor sounding like it was obvious as to why he was here. " How did you know that Jude was here" asked Austin while I wondered why Austin didn't think Connor knew Jude was here? Did Austin not want Connor to know that Jude was in the hospital is what I wondered. " Mariana told me he was here" said Connor as Austin gave him a mad look and looked at Mariana. " Why did you tell him Jude was here" asked Austin mad? " He deserves to know the truth" said Mariana as she stood up mad. " Jude doesn't need more people here" said Austin lying as I began to not like him. " Connor deserves to see Jude! We all deserve to see Jude! You know what you need to go" said Mariana now yelling and pointing towards the door! " I'm his boyfriend" said Austin trying to find an excuse to stay! " You're not acting like one. If you really were his boyfriend you wouldn't care that he has friends that are guys and you wouldn't keep it a secret that he was here! That's what a true boyfriend is" says Mariana standing up for Connor! "But" is all Austin can say before Mariana cuts him off by saying " But nothing.. you need to". As she says that Austin leaves.

After Austin left I felt like there was a lot of stress in the room so I decided to leave and I took Jesus and Brandon with me. As we got out of the room we ran into Stef who looked like she was hiding something from us.

"What's going on? Where's Callie" I asked nervously scared? " She left" said Stef. " wait she just left? Why didn't you go after her" asked Brandon mad? " She said we're not her real mothers and never will be and just left" said Stef hurt and mad. " She doesn't mean it does she" asked Jesus surprised? " No she's just upset and needs to calm down" said Brandon stating the obvious. "We all do" says Lena as everyone becomes quiet.

General POV:

As Lena, Stef, Jesus, and Brandon are sitting in the lobby Mariana walks up to them and sits down with them.

"Where's Connor" asked Lena? "He wanted to talk to Jude alone" said Mariana. " What you did earlier, when you stood up for Connor. That was really nice of you and I appreciate it" said Lena really proud of Mariana. "what happened earlier" asked Stef? " Austin never told Connor that Jude was here and I did and Austin got mad because he didn't want Connor around Jude. So I told Austin that he's not a good boyfriend to Jude and to leave" said Mariana feeling good about herself. " Wow!.... That's my girl! High five" said Stef feeling proud and giving Mariana a high five.

Connor's POV:

After Mariana left I walked over to Jude's bed and took his hand in my hand and started crying like there was no tomorrow.

" I'm so sorry Jude.... I shouldn't have ignored you when you talked to me..... I know that now...... Everything.... This is all my fault...... I'm a bad person....... I hope you can hear me......... I'm really sorry........I hope you can forgive me.......Please do something that shows that you hear me......." As I said all that not expecting anything to happen I felt a grip tighten on my hand and looked up to see him looking into my eyes. " I forgive you" said Jude smiling in my face. " Jude" is all I could say as I gave him the biggest hug ever! As I let go I opened the door and yelled down the hallway " HE'S AWAKE"! The next thing I know everyone's running to the room including nurses and doctors!

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