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This chapter is dedicate to @xojoshy for the ideas that are in this chapter and for helping me with the title for the episode also. You should all go to his page and read his amazing stories.


Connor's POV:

Detention! That's all I have to say. Before Jude moved here I've never had detention a day in my life but now that he's here I have detention and it's all his fault. Let's just say that after we cleaned up all the water Lena still gave us detention. Which is where we are right now.

Jude's POV:

I don't know why Connor looks scared right now it's not like he's in jail or can't leave. No matter what the reason is he looks really cute. To brake the silence I decide to see if he's ok since the only other person in the room is our math teacher and she doesn't care if we talk as long as we don't annoy her.

"Are you ok Connor" I end up saying?

"Ya I'm ok" said Connor as he looked away from me. I know he lied to me but I don't care because I know for a fact that he's only scared because he knows that he's going to get in trouble from his father. All of a sudden her phone goes off and she answers her phone looking scared.

"Hello........ Yes....... Not again..... ok... I'm on my way..... bye" says the teacher and she ends up hanging up her phone. Then she starts to pack her bag and as she leaves she says " I'll be back in a little bit..... don't move".

"Ok" both Connor and I at the same time.

Connor's POV:

After our math teacher finally left thanks to her daughter I could finally get the date I planed for me and my amazingly loving boyfriend. First I started out by getting some candles out of my backpack and lit them up and put them all around the room and turned off the lights and then I got some cheese and crackers out of my backpack along with some sparkling juice. As I did all that stuff Jude kept asking me what was going on.


Jude's POV:

I can't believe Connor planned this whole romantic detention date with just the two of us. I'm still glad that the teacher's daughter called her to make her leave. As we both finished the cheese and crackers I decided to see if he had anything else planned by saying " What now"?

Then Connor got up and romantically helped me get up and got out his phone and started playing Can I Have This Dance from high school musical 3  and then he asked me the one question I never thought he's ask me "Can I have this dance"?

"YES" I shouted trying not to cry. Then we had to best hug I ever thought I'd get and then started to dance. As we were dancing I noticed that Connor had kept stepping on my feet. " Are you ok" I asked as I noticed that Connor was about to cry. " I don't know how to dance... ok" said Connor as he started to walk away from me. As he almost got away from me I grabbed him and pulled him closer. "I'll teach you..." I whispered as I kissed him. " Ok" I questioned him? " Ok" whispered Connor back as I wiped a few tears away from him cheek and he started to smile again.

Connor's POV:

As I was waltzing with my amazing Judicorn I decided to make my love and kiss him again. When I kiss him it feels like we're the only two people alive. The kiss went on for a full two minutes. Then it was interrupted by the annoying and stupid Keven  as he said "Get a room fag one and fag two"!   I CAN'T TAKE IT! I JUST CAN'T I thought as he ruined our perfect date. So what did I do I went up to the door and shut it and locked it and walked back up to Jude and said " Where were we"? Then I kissed him again until he pulled away and said in his sweet and caring way " You do know we're gonna get in trouble for locking the door right"? "As long as I'm with you I don't care" I replied and starting kissing him some more.  That had most definitely been the best detention I could ever imagine having. I'm just glad that I could spend it with the perfect guy.

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