Unexpectedly Happy

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Like the last chapter @xojoshy helped me with this chapter and I'm happy to be collaborating with them.

Jude's POV:

I still can't believe that Austin hit on me last night and made me feel like I cheated on Connor with him when I didn't. It's now Friday morning and I'm nervously standing by my locker waiting for Connor so that I can tell him what happened. I hope he doesn't get mad at me. It's not my fault that what happened happened. As I'm standing there trouble walks up to me and I get angry instantly.

"What's wrong" is all he says, he doesn't even try to apologize. " What's wrong? Is that really all you can say Austin? Get away from me" I say as I try to push him away from me. " What did I do" he asks me looking confused? " You made a move on me" I say as I'm about to cry! " Is that a bad thing? I like you Jude. How is that a bad thing" he says to me trying to get closer to me. " I'm taken! That's why" I say basically yelling at him as I wipe a tear away from my eye. " So you're saying that you don't have feelings for me! Not even a little" he says as he quits trying to get closer to me. " Not even a little" I say quieter but still loud. The next thing you know the most unexpected thing happens. He kisses me and I pull away right away and stand there with my mouth open. " Now tell me that you don't have feelings for me" he says as he walks away mad.

Connor's POV:

Have you ever wanted to see someone so much that you just want to scream it to the world? Well I have and that's every moment that I'm not with Jude. I'm walking into school as I hear yelling coming from the hallway where my locker is and as I get closer it sounds like Jude's voice so I start to run to my locker. As I get there I see one of the last things that I want to see. He's kissing Austin. How could he, my Jude, kiss another guy and why Austin. Why not someone good looking atleast? After Austin walks away I decide to confront Jude.

"How could you do that to me" I yell at Jude as I walk up to him about to cry? " It's not what it looks like! He kissed me and I pulled away" says Jude in his scared confused voice. " But you didn't do anything about it Jude, you didn't" I say yelling at him! "But Connor" says Jude still scared and sad now! " You know what! I can't deal with this! We're through" I say turning around and walking away from him. " You know what I don't care" he says as I turn to him surprised that he said that! " I don't care because yesterday when I tried talking to you all you did was stand there looking at me! You didn't even care what I had to say! I don't deserve you! I deserve someone that actually treats me nice and loves me! That's why I let him kiss me because atleast he cares about me" says Jude about to cry! "you know what I'm going out on a date with him tonight and I don't care what you have to say so just go away" he says as he walks away from me.

As Jude walks away from me I begin to feel not only angry and sad but also guilty. For some reason I don't blame him for leaving me because if someone ignored me like I have been ignoring Jude I'd do the same thing to them. He's also right I don't deserve him I don't deserve anyone. For some reason I'm Unexpectedly Happy that Jude's going on a date with Austin. Atleast he's happy for once, but I'm going to win him back so that he won't be with Austin.

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