Bad Influence

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Stef's POV:

After all of the stressful stuff that has happened today I couldn't believe that there could be anything else that could happen that would add more stress to the day but boy was I wrong because when we pulled up to Connor's house to drop him off Jude walked him up to the front porch and they talked for a minute of two and then Jude got in the front seat with me and buckled up looking like he was about to cry and then it happened he cried the rest of the way home not talking at all. As soon as I parked the car he got out and ran inside.

Callie's POV:

It was 10pm and I was in the living room sitting on the couch with the rest of the family for Stef and hopefully Jude to get home when we heard a house door shut. As soon as we all saw Jude storm in the room I saw the most unexpected thing happen.

" Jude I'm glad you back home" I said really excited that he was back home ready to give him a hug. As I was about to give him a hug he slapped me. "Jude" said Stef as she walked in the room surprised like we all were. " that was uncalled for young man" said Lena in a disappointed mode as Jude started walking upstairs mad. " What was that for" I said as my face was hurt and I was surprised and upset. " That was for ruining my life" said Jude as he was about to cry. " What did I do" I said still confused? " Because of you and your big mouth Connor doesn't want anything to do with me anymore and it's all because of you! Congratulations you ruined my life" said Jude as he stumbled upstairs crying and walked into his room and slammed the room behind him.

I can't believe he's blaming all this on me. Am I really that bad of a sister? As I heard the door shut my heart broken in to. I know one thing for sure I had to fix this and I had to do it soon. I had to do the one thing that I don't like doing and that is admitting that I was wrong.

(10pm again)

Connor's POV:

I should of seen it coming but as soon as I walked into the house I got yelled at for running away of course I don't blame my father , I deserved it. It was basically one of those if you ever run away again you're gonna get in big trouble talks. After it was over I was sent up to my room. As soon as I sat down on my bed I heard my dad call my name.

"Connor someone's here for you" said my dad as I walked down stairs. As I got to the bottom step I saw one of the last people I expected to see it was Callie. "Callie what are you doing here" I said surprised? " I'm here to fix something" she said sounding serious. " Fix what" I said knowing exactly what she was talking about? " You're relationship with my brother" said Callie trying not to feel bad. " What about it" I said trying not to sound stupid? " I know I said some stuff that I shouldn't of said and I'm sorry. I was wrong to say those things and I was wrong about you. You're not the one that ruined his life, I was. You're the one that saved his life and mine" said Callie as she started to almost cry. I was surprised that she said that I saved her life and all I could say was " What"? " Before you came into my life I was the one that had to make Jude happy, keep him safe, and give him all my attention and love. Now that you're here I don't have to do any of that. But if you leave his life I'm gonna have to be the one that hold him all together... Because he's gonna fall apart. Please don't let him fall apart. Because trust me no one wants a broken Jude" said Callie as she looked into my eyes hoping that I'd talk to him again. "Why should I? I know you don't like me. I heard you tell him that I'm a bad influence" I said admitting that I overheard them talking about me? " Because if he has to have a bad influence in his life I want it to be you" said Callie as she walked out of his house. As she got to the door she turned around said " Just think about it" as she shut the door hoping that he would talk to Jude.

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