Hanging With Austin

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I want to thank @xojoshy for the help with some of this chapter and some of the next few chapters...

Jude's POV:

After school I met Austin at his locker so that we could walk to his house. While walking to his house I didn't say a single word probably because Austin wouldn't stop talking until we got to his house. As we walked up to the front door he took out his keys and unlocked the door.


" Here we are" he said as he opened the door and let me walk in first. " Wow this is a big house" is all I could say as my mouth was open and I couldn't stop looking around as I took a few steps forward so that Austin could get in the house and shut the front door. " Mom I'm home" shouted as he walked up next to me. " Wanna go up to my room and play video games" he asked as I looked at him into his beautiful brown eyes. " What am I saying . I'm with Connor I can't think that way" I thought in my head at I looked away from him. " Let's go" he said as we started walking up stairs. " Austin is that you" said a lady as she walked up behind us. " Hi mom. This is my friend Jude. Jude this is my mom" said Austin as he introduced me to his mother. She didn't look older then 40. " it's nice to meet you Mrs. Evens" I said as I shook her hand. " You can call me Emily. It's nice to finally meet a friend of Austin's. Normally he's to embarrassed to bring his friends home" she said as she looked from Austin to me. " Why's that" I ask looking at Austin. As I said that he started blushing and couldn't help but smile. " It's just I'm usually very busy" he said as he did that thing that he always does when he lies. "Let's go" he said as he started walking back upstairs again. " It was nice to meet you" I said as I walked behind him. " thanks... have fun" said Emily as she walked back into the kitchen.

***now in Austin's room***


Jude's POV:

I've been playing Mario Kart with Austin on his Wii for a few hours now and I totally forgot that I had to be home by 9:00 so I check my phone and its only 5:00. As we finish the race Austin decides that he doesn't want to play anymore so we quiet.


" What do you want to do now" he asks me as he sits next to me on his bed. As he sits down I feel him put his arm around me while trying to make a move. " Well look at the time I gotta go. I told my moms that I'd be home by 5:30" I say lying as I get up and put my shoes back on. " See you tomorrow" I say walking up to the door. " Wait Jude" he says as I touch the door nob. As I turn back around I see him standing behind me. " Yes" I say not knowing what he's going to say next. " Wanna go see a movie with me this weekend" he asks looking into my eyes. Without thinking I say yes and leave the room feeling very uncomfortable.

***back home***


As I walk into the house I see Callie and Mariana sitting in the living room talking. I decide to go upstairs and go to bed so I run upstairs after looking at Mariana awkwardly.


" Jude come back" says Mariana loudly from the living room. After I act like nothing happened she followed me upstairs and walks into my room not knocking and sees me sitting on my bed crying. " What's wrong Jude" she says running up to me and hugging me as she sits down next to me. " You know how I went to Austin's house" I say knowing that she knows. " Yes" she says wanting me to say more. " Well we played Mario Kart and afterwards.... He sat down next to me on his bed...." I say trying not to cry. "And" says Mariana feeling bad for me. " and he put his arm around me... .and.... almost kissed me" I say as I'm crying by the end of it.... " Shhh... it's ok...." says Mariana hugging me again. " he hates me now" I say as I start crying loudly and cry waterfalls. " Who hates you" says Mariana confused? " Connor" I say crying quietly but still a lot. " why would he hate you" asks Mariana still confused but caring? " I blew him off to hang out with Austin" I say as I wipe my tears away from my eyes. " I'm a bad boyfriend" I say sitting there looking at Mariana. " No you're not Jude.... You deserve to hang out with people without Connor being around 24/7" says Mariana handing me a Kleenex. " really" I say trying to smile. " Ya... everyone deserves to have friends, even while being in a relationship, otherwise the relationship would get boring and you'd be tired of the person you're dating" says Mariana still hugging me. "Thanks I say" still hugging Mariana. A few seconds later Callie walks in thinking that she interrupted something. " Is everything ok" she asks concerned? " Yes... Jude just had a ruff day today.. he's better now" Said Mariana as she patted me on my back and smiling at Callie. " Ok just making sure.. night Jude" she said as she got out and shut the door behind her. "Well I'm gonna go to my room... have a good night sleep ok kiddo" said Mariana as she got up and left. At that moment I knew that I could always talk to Mariana. No matter what she'll always be my sister.

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