Jude's First Date

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Each of the chapters that @xojoshy has helped me with has made my story better and I want to thank you again for all the go

Jude's POV:

I still can't believe that I blew up on Connor earlier and now I'm going on a date with Austin. Is it bad that I'm a little nervous that I'm going to embarrass myself in front of him. Maybe it's because I'm going out on my first date with my amazing boyfriend.

" Jude Austin's here" yells Stef from downstairs as I'm checking to make sure that I look good in the bathroom mirror for the fifth time. " I'm coming" I yell as I check my hair one more time. The next thing I know I'm shaking as I slowly walk down stairs making sure I don't fall. " Wow, you're hot" says Austin as I'm walking up to him while, Mariana, Stef, Callie, and Lena are watching me blush and smile at the same time. " Aren't you two cute" says Lena as I look into Austin's eyes wanting to kiss him but don't. " I can't believe my little brother is going on his first date" says Callie sarcastically as she's about to cry from happiness. " O come here" I say giving her a hug. " Well you two have a good time, but not to good of a time" says Stef as I let go of Callie and walk outside with my loving boyfriend. " We won't" I tell them as we walk away from the house and waved goodbye. " So where are we going on this first date of ours" I asked curious about what Austin had planed for tonight? " Skating" is all he said as he made a very happy face. As he said "Skating" all I could think was "Great another place to be with someone I like where I can easily embarrass myself". " Why skating" I asked wondering why he picked that as our first date? " Well I got the idea from someone that we both know that told me that you love skating" he said as he looked at me making a loving face that made me want to kiss him even more. " Was it Mariana" I asked hoping that he'd say yes? " Not even close" he said as he teased me. " Who was it then" I asked even more curious? "You really don't know" he said as he began to laugh at me? " Not at all" I said as I began to blush again. " Who else have you gone skating with" he asked me as he began to smile and laugh along with me? " Well last year I went skating with......" I said as I stopped and finally knew who it was. After a few seconds of silence he finally broke the silence. "With who"? " Connor gave you the idea didn't he" I asked embarrassed that I'm gonna fall on my but skating like last time and mad that my boyfriend had to ask my best friend where we should go on my first date. " Yes" said Austin feeling embarrassed and worried because I started to look angry. " Ya I'm fine" I said lying to his face and stayed quiet the rest of the way to the Skating Rink.

Connor's POV:

I can't believe Austin came to me for ideas about his first date Jude, my crush. Luckily I was smart enough to give him ideas of places that I know Jude doesn't like to go and ideas of ways for Jude to embarrass himself in front of Austin. I'm also happy that I know the exact time and place Austin and Jude are going to be tonight.

***** 7:00pm*****

Connor's POV:

It is now 7:00 and Jude and Austin should almost be at the Skating Rink. I'm just lucky that I got there before them so that I could watch them while they're on their date. I didn't come alone and I brought Jude's enemy Kevin along with me. I know that Jude's gonna be angry at me for bringing Kevin with me but right now I don't care about that because he cares more about Austin then he cares about me. As I'm sitting there at a booth with Kevin looking for Jude and Austin I see them finally walk into the building I couldn't believe how hot Jude looked.

"So why are we here again" Kevin asked me looking bored and confused at the same time. " Because I want to get to know more about" I said lying straight to his face. " I thought you told me that we were here to revenge on Jude. But look he's not here" said Kevin angrily and impatiently. " He's right there" I said pointing to Jude while making sure that he doesn't notice me at the same time. " Well lets go embarrass him" said Kevin getting up from our booth. " Sit down" I said whispering to Kevin. He sat back down right before Jude noticed me sitting there with him. The next thing I know Jude and Austin are walking up to us while Jude had a fake smile on his face. " what are you to doing here" said Jude in his most fake surprised voice he could possibly do. He obviously knew that I was going to be here. " Just hanging out with my buddy" I said as I put my arm around Kevin. "Ya me and Connor are so close" said Kevin playing along as he patted me on my back. " Well we're gonna go sit down then" said Jude as he walked away from us with Austin. As soon as they were far away from us I thanked Kevin for going along with my plan. " You owe me Connor. You owe me big time" he said to me still mad that I lied to him. " Fine what do I owe you" I asked hoping that it was just money? " you have to help me with my math homework for the rest of the week" he said getting as close to my face as he could without making it awkward. " deal" I said shaking his hand as fast as I could.

*** one hour later***

Connor's POV:

As it was getting later Kevin and I decided to finally leave after watching Jude and Austin fall about 20 times while laughing together. I'm just glad that Jude didn't yell at me for picking Skating as his first date. I guess I've completely lost Jude to Austin and can't do anything to win him back.

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