A pout came onto my mother's face as she slowly looked down into her lap.

I felt like shit. It wasn't my mother's fault. And I know that I shouldn't punish her for it.

But my agreements were simple to her. She needed to get rid of father. But her words were stated clearly, he was staying because she so called 'loved' him.

Now whether or not that is true, I didn't care.

And due to my father's despicable actions, it has really pushed my relationships with mother and little sister away.

Silence crept in for a few seconds, as I glanced over at my father and realized his face was turning blood red.

But my eyes found their way back to my mother, as she suddenly shook off the sad look in her eyes and replaced it with joy.


"What about Ellie?"

Confusion crept up to my face. "What about her?"

She rolled her eyes. "Do you think I am dumb or something?"

Oh no. Pretend. Pretend.

"I guess so, because I have no idea what you are talking about?"

She sighed out. "I saw the way you were looking at her Nik. I am not blind."

Maybe you fucking are.

This is getting harder and harder to do. And the fact that I am sitting here lieing my ass off to my own mother, about a woman that has captured my heart, sucks.

"I am not looking at her in any way." My voice sounding a little stern.

"You can keep denying it if you want. But a mother KNOWS. Just like I knew when it came to your sister and, Adam."

"Well. I am NOT Rena and I am NOT Adam." I growled.

"Yes. But. You both looked at each other in a way that is the definition of love, son. Her eyes sparkled when she caught your glance. And you relaxed as soon as you knew she sat next to you. And whether or not your going to admit, I know that something is going on between you two."

I sighed out as I felt anger begin to go up my arm.

"Stop. Please." I wanted to her to stop because I couldn't hear this anymore.

I couldn't hear about me and her.

Because if they continued to flood me with things about me and her, I might actually explode and blow me and her's cover.

"I brought her here for Rena's dress. Thats it."

My mother's lip quivered as she nodded slowly.

"I don't believe you."

I groaned. "So then don't!" I said as I raised my voice.

"Don't raise your voice to your mother like that. I don't care how old you are, you will show her respect." My father butted in. His eyes looked daring and filled with hatred as I eyed him like a serpent.

"Eric-" my mother began to speak.

"No." My father responded as he held his hand out, stopping my mother from speaking.

"He does NOT get to come to OUR house, and disrespect you. I will not allow it."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Disrespect?! Are you serious? How have I shown MY mother disrespect. If anything YOU have."

My father stood up so quickly, causing the chair to stumble behind him.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you little shit!"

"Eric!" My mother screamed.

"You know damn good and well we have made plenty of sacrafises for this family. And that I have provided you with so many things that you cannot even fucking appreciate."

My eyes lit up with fire as I stood up right in front of him.

"YOU have provided for this family?! YOU have made sacrafises? If I a recall anything, the only thing you brought this family was pain. You brought us suffering! You BROUGHT ANOTHER WOMAN INTO THIS HOUSE."

A pause came between us, as my father's eyes widened, and his chest heaved up and down with anger while my mother held her hands right in front of her mouth.

"YOU CHEATED on MY MOTHER, And then proceeded to manipulate her into getting back together with you so you wouldn't look like a man whore. YOU weren't here when mom spent nights and days, sobbing on the floor wondering why the hell she ever married you. So what did YOU provide for this family that was good?" I said as I pointed my finger towards him.

His lips led in a straight line. "Get the fuck out of my house."

"Eric. No!" My mother said she now stood up and grabbed his arm.

"No Emma! He is no longer our son. Our son, does not and will not sit here and dishonor me any longer."

I shook my head, as I made fists with both of my hands.

My fists tightened as I was so close to punching the living shit out of my father.

"You are a horrible man, and should be ashamed of yourself. And how in the world mom could let someone like you back into our lives, I have no idea. Changed or not. It doesn't justify for your actions you CHOSE to make that night. You CHOSE to lose mom's trust, along with mine and Rena's. You want to know why I don't come visit anymore mother?" I said as I glanced at her.

Her eyes looked at me with worry, as they searched for something.

"It's because of him. It's because this man is such a coward and a cheat and a liar."

My eyes fixated back onto my father as his finger went up and pointed towards the door. "Get. The fuck out of here. And take your tramp with you."

My eyes widened, as soon as those words left his mouth.

Fuck it.

I immediately swung my arm in the air, as my fist suddenly collided with his jaw, causing him to stumble backwards.

Blood began to leak out of his mouth, as it began to trickle onto the stone.

My mother gasped out loud, but stayed put where she was, as a few tears began to leave her eyes.

I walked over to the other side of the table as I stood before the man I used to call my father.

"You ever call my girl a tramp again and the next time my fist collides with you, you WON'T be able to get up."

His eyes narrowed at me before I turned my head towards my mother. "Thank you for your time mother. But me and Ellie will see ourselves out now."

Her eyebrows bent inwards, as she practically begged me not to go.

But before she could even utter a word, I turned away and headed into the house, in search for my princess.

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