22. Reconcile.

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It felt so weird being able to sleep in. I rolled over to look at my clock, it was 11:38. I must've been really tired, especially after that ass whoopin I gave Erica last night.

I snickered out loud.

I checked my phone to see a text from Brian, it read: Come over anytime so we can talk.

Honestly I didn't really want to talk to him. I did...but I didn't at the same time, it was weird.

"What the hell" I mumbled as I dragged myself out of bed and got in the shower.

Nothing special in the clothing department today. I wore a pair of black leggings and a big slouchy gray sweater. No makeup, I even had on my glasses. I stepped into my Ugg boots and walked out the door.

"Can you let me in?" I asked Brian over the phone, as I walked up the driveway.

"I'll be down in a sec" he said. I nodded to myself and hung up. While I was walking up the driveway I saw a few spots of blood from last night, also some shards of glass.

"Hey," Brian said when he opened the door.

"What up" I mumbled, stepping past him into the house. He followed me as I made myself comfortable on the couch in the living room.

He sat across from me, looking around the room. I kept my eyes on him the whole time.

"So, I wanna say I'm sorry. I was completely wrong for what I did" he sighed, "I should've listened to you."

"Yeah, you fuckin' should've" I snorted.

"I would like to offer you your job back" he said quietly.

"I don't know about that."

"Why not?" he frowned.

"What if this happens again huh?" I loudly asked, "You gonna curse at me, fire me, and throw me out again?"

"No" he crossed his arms, "I trust you."

I laughed, "Yeah. Now you do."

We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes. Both of us were looking everywhere except for each other.

He got up and sat right next to me, grabbing my hand and also grabbing my attention.

"Thank you, Saria" he murmured.

"For?" I asked.

Seemed like he didn't really know how to respond, "...Erica" he said softly.

And right then I felt bad for him. I know I'd be hurt too if someone I thought loved me, had actually been using me all along.

"You're more than welcome" I gave his hand a squeeze.

He brought our hands up to his face, and laid mine on his cheek. "So you gonna work for me again or what?" he smiled sheepishly.

I poked my finger in his dimple and twirled it around, "Sure" I smiled back.

"Good, cause a nigga is hungry, can you go make something?" he said still smiling.

I laughed, "Sure thing chubby" I patted his stomach.

"Who you callin chubby?" he quickly stood up from the couch, "You see these abs?" he yanked his shirt up.

His abs really were nice, but I played it off like I didn't care.

"They aight" I shrugged.

He grabbed my hand and slid it down his stomach, "The still just aight?" he asked smirking.

"Okay so maybe they're amazing," I laughed nervously. I stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. I couldn't be that close to him much longer, he was driving me crazy.

"Where's Mal k?" I asked. He had sat at the island in Lik's usual spot.

Brian rolled his eyes, "He went to skateboard with some friends."

"Why the attitude Mr?" I gave him a side eye.
He shrugged.

"Liar" I laughed. I quickly made us both BLT sandwiches and we sat at the table.

"Oh yeah," he said after he took a bite, "What you did last night was not okay."

"What are you talking about?" I said innocently.

"You beat the shit out of Erica, not that I mind too much" he paused to laugh, "but that was on my front lawn Sug. If anyone had've seen you that could've caused problems for me."

I hadn't even realized how big of a problem that was. If the paparazzi heard about a fight outside of Brian Caesar's house, they would've had a field day. "I'm really sorry B." I looked down at my sandwich.

He put his hand under my chin and I looked into those brown eyes of his. "It's okay, no harm done."

I nodded, still feeling really bad.

I felt my glasses disappear from my face and I look over to see Brian putting them on.

"You look so cute!" I laughed and he pretended to pose.

"There's that smile" he said, passing them back to me. "You look good today."

"Really?" I beamed.

"Yeah, you don't be needing makeup for real." he said.

"Awhhhh. Your too kind" I blushed

I sat quietly as he answered a few text messages on his phone.

"I'm guessing all the ladies just found out that your single again?" I laughed.

"Well you know, they tryna holla" he said without looking up.

I grabbed both of our plates and brought them to the sink, rinsing them off.

"I know one thing for sure!" He stood up from the table.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm going out tonight" he said doing a little dance.

"Aye! Ain't thinking bout you tonight!" I chimed and we both laughed. "Can I come too?" I asked

He thought about it for a minute.

"Well shit never mind" I snorted, starting to walk past him.

He grabbed my elbow, "I was kidding," he laughed "You can roll wit me and the homies."

"Can my girls come too?" I asked.

"I guess that's okay" he allowed, I knew he was kidding though."

"Yeah buddy! This is gonna be fun" I grinned.

"Hell yeah!" he laughed and we high fived. He was such a goof.

"I'm gonna head over to the mall then, but I'll text you" I started to grab my things.

"Aight then" he pulled me into a short hug, "Bye Saria."

"Later!" I said before I walked out the door. I called Raven and Ciara when I got to the car so they could meet me at the mall.

Tonight was gonna be great.

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