16. Liar, Liar.

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I quickly parked and unlocked the front door.

"Brian!" I yelled as I walked inside. I made my way through the living room. "Brian!!!" I yelled again. Still nothing so I started to storm the stairs.

"Brian!" I said once again as I burst the door to his bedroom open.

He was laying down on his bed and Erica had her mouth wrapped around his genitals, yuck. I gave a little shriek and closed the door, running down the stairs. Probably should have knocked.

Not too long after I heard another pair of feet coming down the stairs.

"What did you want Sugar?" B asked me. He only had on a pair of basketball shorts.

"Nothing" I mumbled, looking down. I didn't expect her to be here, I hadn't seen her in a week.

"You burst into my room like the house is on fire, without knocking might I add" he crossed his arms," and now you have nothing to say?"

"Sorry," I said, not meaning it. I thought Erica was still mad at him. Whenever I saw them together it made me sick and angry at the same time, especially now.

"Did he do something?" B stepped closer to me, looking concerned. I knew he was talking about Javi.

"No no no," I said quickly. "Um, I'll tell you later. So, Erica isn't 'mad' at you anymore?" I blurted.

"Nah. She came over to apologize, how could I pass that up?" he smirked, wagging his eyebrows.

"Yuck" I commented out loud this time.

"You a hater" he laughed.

"At least I'm not a gold digger..." I said under my breath.

"What?" he asked.

I sighed. "Nothing"

"Okay well ima go get back to business" he winked at me, starting down the hallway.

"Use protection!" I yelled to him, I was dead ass serious.

All I heard in return was him laughing.

About an hour later he came down the stairs with a huge ass grin on his face. I mean I understand that he just got some, but damn. He sauntered over to the kitchen where I had just started making dinner.

"How about you don't cook dinner tonight?" he offered.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh so you wanna cook?"

"Hell no" he laughed, "We could order a few pizzas and watch a movie"

"Sounds good to me" I shrugged, turning off the stove. "Someone's in a chipper mood" I commented.

He laughed again, "Well you know."

"Trust me, I know" I laughed too, but I'm sure my reason for laughing was different than his.

"You can go ahead downstairs, I'll be down in a sec," he said. He pulled out his phone, already starting to make a call.

"Mmkay" I murmured.

I walked down the stairs to the theater, only to find that Erica was down there waiting as well. Seeing her face made me wanna puke. I sat behind her in one of the seats. She didn't even turn around when I entered the room, so I cleared my throat.

"I know why you don't like me. Why you've been a bitch to me ever since I came here" I said to her.

She turned around to glare at me, "And why is that?"

"Because I was the reason that Javi wouldn't get with you" I was smiling in her face. "Sorry to hear about the baby," I half chuckled.

She froze when I said that. Stiff as a board and pale in the face. Once she'd come to terms with it she cut her eyes at me.

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