14. Still Ain't Shit.

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I had been awake, watching Brian sleep for about ten minutes now. He looked so precious. His body was sprawled out across the couch, trapping me behind him. I don't know how or when we fell asleep this way, but I found myself stroking the blond hair laid on top of his head.

After a while, he mumbled in his sleep and turned away from me.

"Well fine" I sighed. I carefully climbed over him and then went up the stairs to start breakfast.

And who was sitting on the island? None other than the man himself, Malik.

I walked past him towards the fridge.

"Please don't be mad at me," he called out in a pleading voice.

"Why would I be? It's not my house you had a party in" I laughed a little. I decided to make waffles, so I pulled out the waffle maker.

"Well...the girl.." he was stuttering, "You saw.."

"Oh, that girl giving you head?" I asked bluntly. Was I mad? Hell yeah, but he didn't have to know that. "We aren't dating Malik, so don't apologize"

He looked at everything in the room except me. "Well. I thought maybe one day we would" he said quietly

I snorted. "You got a funny way of showing it. I think you should go downstairs and talk to your cousin"

"Sug-" he started.

"Just go," I cut him off. He stood and slowly descended the stairs. Fuck boy. All the men in my life seemed to not be shit.

It was only noon and I was already a little pissed off. I can't believe he would do something so sloppy and then expect me to think that he still liked me.
Did he think I was stupid or something?

They were down there for about an hour or two.

There was some yelling, but only from Brian obviously. I was sitting at the table eating by the time they finished.

"You hear me?" They had reached the main floor.

"Yeah, I do. Thanks cuz" Malik said.

"Okay. Now get ya ass upstairs and take a shower, you stink" B pretended to plug his nose.

"Haha. Funny," he responded without humor as he climbed the stairs.

When I heard Brian coming down the hall, I got up to fix his plate. He came in and sat at the table.

I felt his eyes on me as I diced some fruit, I looked up and he was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say thank you again, for last night. I'll have to make it up to you sometime" he said.

"You don't have to do anything for me, but my friends that helped do want to meet you," I laughed.

"Girls?" he asked.

I walked over and set his plate in front of him, "Yup"

"Yeah that's fine then" he smirked

My phone started blaring startling both of us. We just looked at each other and laughed.

I reached over to the counter to grab it. There was an unknown number calling, but I knew it by heart. It was Javier.

"It's my ex calling!" I said frantically. I didn't know whether to answer or not.

"Lemme answer it!" Brian shouted, grinning.

"What for?" I said confused.

"Just lemme answer" he motioned for me to pass him the phone, and I carefully did.

"Yo, what up" he answered nonchalantly, picking at his breakfast.

I could hear Javi say 'Who is this?'

"This is Brian, who the fuck is this?" he said in an annoyed tone, I almost died laughing.

'This is Javier, is Sugar there?' he asked, obviously confused.

"Yeah hold up," Brian said, looking at me, "Aye Sug'!" He acted as though he was calling for me, "Some nigga named Javier is on the phone" he said. "Make it quick."

I played along, "Coming!" I yelled, putting my hand out for the phone.

B passed it to me, chuckling to himself. What a narcissist, I thought, also chuckling.

"Hey," I said with a sigh.

"Was that B. Caesar?" he asked in an annoyed tone, sounding like he was trying to connect the dots from last night.

"Yes, he's just my boss," I said with a smirk, rolling my eyes. Brian opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly spoke over him into the phone. "So what's up?" I asked Javi, chuckling.

He took a deep breath, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch with me?"

"Go to lunch?" I repeated out loud.

"Hell no," Brian mumbled, eating his breakfast.

"That'd be alright," I said into the receiver, "Just text me with a time and a day."

"I'll text you tomorrow," he offered, then said, "Alright later."

"Bye," I chimed, hanging ups

B and I both started laughing as soon as I hung up the phone.

"You are so stupid!" I said jokingly

"You know you love it" he gave me a cheeky grin, with a mouth full of waffles.

"I do," I said. I had meant to say that in my head but it just slipped out. Catching myself I quickly threw in, "-not."

"Of course you do" he brushed his shoulder, "who wouldn't."

"Get a grip," I chuckled waving him off.

"Ima go take a shower, then drop you off at your apartment ok? I got practice at two" he stood from the table talking in a rushed tone.

"Alright," I smiled, watching him walk away.

I blew out a breath when I knew he was out of earshot, thinking of my actions this morning and last night. When Erica wasn't in the equation it really was like I was living the dream.

He was becoming more than a boss and even more than B. Caesar to me. I was finally getting to know the real Brian, and I liked it.

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