1. Party of 10.

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"Here we are," Yanna said as she opened the door to the huge home. She motioned for me to step inside.
I walked through the door and fell in love. The decor of this place was amazing. The whole back wall was glass, you could see a large pool outside. It overlooked a beautiful view of California.

"So just make yourself comfortable, you can start dinner in a few hours. He'll be home around nine probably" Yanna said as she typed away on her iPhone.

I put my bag down and rubbed my hand across the marble countertops in the kitchen. I couldn't believe I was actually here. I walked over to the fridge and peeked inside.

"He has no food in here!" I complained to Yanna
"Here take this" She pulled out her wallet and handed me a black credit card, "Go to the grocery store"

I took the card and put it in my wallet, for safekeeping.

"So what's his favorite food?" I asked.

"He'll eat anything really, he's not picky. He loves peach cobbler though, so you should make that" she said

"My peach cobbler is to die for" I smiled to myself
I had been in Culinary school for the past two years. As soon as I finished, I started to work at a high-end restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. One night while I was there, I was told that a customer wanted to compliment me on my meal. I walked out to the table and little did I know the customer was, Beyonce.

Ever since then I've been catering parties for other celebrities. Each one would recommend me to another, and so on.

I received a call from Yanna about a week ago, saying that her client was looking for a new chef. I'd never thought about being someone's live-in chef, but the price she offered was too good to turn down. Not to mention, her client was B. Caesar.

I loved him so much, not only was I gonna meet him but I was in his house! I could barely control my excitement.

"Sugar!" she called my name, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"I'm sorry" I smiled sheepishly, "I just can't believe I'm here"

Yanna just laughed at me. "So since you have everything you need, I'm gonna get going"

"How many am I cooking for?" I asked as I walked her to the door.

"Hmmm, no more than ten," she said.

"Holy shit," I said under my breath. I would have to cook all day! "And your sure he isn't gonna be mad? If he comes home and just finds someone in his house?" I asked cautiously

"I already told him you were coming Sug'! Now, I gotta go!" she started to walk down the driveway towards her car, "Don't lose that credit card! Or that key I gave you!"

"I won't!" I called, waving goodbye. They had to do a huge background check on me, for me to even qualify to work for him. Not to mention I had to sign multiple contracts regarding not giving out any of B's private information, or giving out the code to his gate. And last but not least, the key to his house.

I went back inside and got my purse. I was gonna head over to the store and pick up the groceries I needed. I was dreading having to cook for so many people.

But it was all gonna be worth it, all for him.

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