I take a seat beside of her.

"I went through this as well. When I was pregnant with one of his brothers...his father was in jail and I was about your age" she adds.

"Oh wow" I say.

So she went through this same exact thing ?

"I was just praying that Zaidan and the rest of his brothers didn't come out like how he was. When Zaidan was 14 he was starting to smoke a lot. I understand he was hurt because of the lost of his brothers but I didn't like the fact that he was smoking"

"Since you came into my sons life I realize that he wasn't always so miserable like he used to. He smiles more now. I used to force Zaidan to smile because he has such a nice smile but never shows it...." she chuckles.

That man still doesn't like to smile.

"I'm glad to know that" I tell her.

"I really want to say thank you" she says smiling warmly.

I return her back with a smile.

Zaidan has been smoking since he was 14 ?
He's been through a lot.

He told me about his brothers but he didn't mention that he started smoking at 14.

We would be chilling and sometimes out of no where his eyes would go dark. It scared me a little but over a time I got used to it.

The day I bought up the tattoo on his chest that's what's when I first saw it. I was going to ask him about it one time but for some reason I just didn't.

"Have you been getting contractions ?" she asks.

"Yes just on and off , they're not so bad and just a little pain in my cervix" I tell her. The doctor told me that when I'm close to labor I should be feeling pain there.

"Oh okay....you need to take your time when moving around"

"I'll be leaving now" the keeper voice pulls our attention.

"Okay" I say to her.

"Safe traveling home" Ms.Mitchell tells her and she leaves.

"Do you like her so far ?" she asks looking back at me now.

"Yes she's very nice" I tell her. She's really been extremely nice to me.

"Good , I'm actually the one that picked her out" she says.

"Oh , I'm going to take a shower. My mom and Jada went to the supermarket...they should be back anytime soon" I tell her before getting up.

I head into my bedroom and undress.

I get into the bathroom minutes after and take a warm long shower.

I needed that.

I come out then wrap my towel around me before sitting on the bed.

I check the girls group chat.

Shelby and Candice are going crazy in the group over my baby shower pictures that I sent.

I turn my phone off and get up from the bed.

I quickly get dress before heading back into the living. I spot my mom around the kitchen.


I take the first bite off the chicken and I close my eyes as a soft moan escapes my lips.

So good.

I'm so hungry.

When I open back my eyes I realize that everybody around the table is staring at me.

Really ?

I roll my eyes inwardly then continue to eat.

"Are you guys from Kingston ?" Ms.Mitchell asks.

"Yes but I do have families that live in the country"

"Oh I enjoy being in Kingston but I love country...I wouldn't trade it for any where else"


As a Kingston girl I love country as well.
It's just always so peaceful to me whenever I go there.

"So where are the rest of you guys family ?" I ask curiously.

"Some of them are in Guyana" she says.

Oh that's where the Indian side is coming from.

Zaidan didn't told me he had families in Guyana.....


I feel a little wetness between my legs and I look down.

What's that ?

My eyes widen and I gasp.

"What's wrong ?" my mom asks with a concerned look on her face.

Jada gets up from her chair and rushes over to me.

"Oh my god , I think her water broke" she exclaims.

Zaidan's mom and my mom gets up from the chair quickly and rushes over to me.

"Let me go get the stuff" Jada says before running into the room.

They take me to the car and put me around the back with my mom.

Jada loads the bags into the car then we drive off.

"Oh my god"

We're now about 5 minutes away from the hospital.

"I want Zaidan" I cry out.

"Breathe" my mom says gliding her hands on my back and I take a deep breath.

"We're almost there" Jada says.

Once we arrive they took me to the triage room to check the baby's heart rate and measure my contractions then they take me to the delivery room.

"Okay we're going to count to 10 and your going to give us one big push" one of the nurses tell me.

Once they finish counting down I push as hard as I can.

"Aggh" I breathe heavily.

"Push , push , push..."

This time I push harder.

"Oh my god !" I scream out.

"Good job... you're almost there come on..."


I take a deep breath before pushing again.

"Awww....look at all that hair"

She's here !

Ivy Rylee Oakes
7 pounds.

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