
(Aqua POV)

Stepping into the room, I cautiously glanced around to ensure no prying eyes were watching before clutching Director Gotanda's business card tightly and dialing his number on my phone. After a few tense seconds, the phone finally began to ring, and the director's voice resonated through the device and into my ears.

"Yes?" came Gotanda's voice, flowing from the phone and into my ear. The way he spoke made me wonder if he was drunk at that moment.

"Hey, Director!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with frustration and confusion. "What on earth happened?"

My emotions were a chaotic mix of anger and bewilderment. I had complete faith in Ai's abilities, so why was she only given one chance? True, her acting skills might not be top-notch, but I was certain that she had entranced everyone with her captivating presence. As I had mentioned before, she had the power to draw people in with her every movement.

"Oh, the mature baby," Gotanda replied, his tone brimming with surprise. Had he not anticipated my prompt call?

"You completely disregarded AI," I exclaimed, my voice reverberating through the room as I marched back and forth. The thought of not utilizing Ai in this situation baffled me. How could they overlook such a valuable actor?

"Oh, that," the director exclaimed, his voice filled with a hint of regret. His words piqued my curiosity. What could have gone wrong despite the absence of AI? It seemed like there was more to the story.

"It was rather unfortunate how it turned out so seamlessly," the director continued, his tone indicating a mix of disappointment and surprise. The outcome was unexpectedly favorable, which should have been cause for celebration. Yet, the director's response suggested otherwise.

If I were still Dr. Garou, my past life, I would have calmly inquired about the reasons behind his decision. After all, my maturity and experience should have allowed me to maintain a level-headed approach. However, my current body seemed to prevent me from containing my emotions. It was as if this younger body had amplified my reactions, making it harder to remain composed.

"Then why?!" I bellowed, frustration lacing my voice. The question echoed in the room, fueled by a blend of curiosity, confusion, and impatience. I yearned for a satisfactory explanation, a logical justification that could ease my troubled mind.

"The lead actress's agency markets her as the "young actress that's too cute for her talent"." As those words echoed, I stepped back, my mind racing to connect the scattered puzzle pieces. I felt like a curtain lifted, revealing the truth of the entertainment industry. Is it because Ai-

The director's voice abruptly interrupted my train of thought, jolting me back to the conversation at hand. "So what would happen if we have a cuter face in the same shot?" Gotanda's question hung in the air, validating my earlier hypothesis. It all boiled down to one simple truth: Ai was undeniably cuter than the lead actress.

'That'd affect her marketing image, right." He continued further, and I have no choice but to agree with him.  "Ai was just too cute for the screen. So due to the higher ups wishes, we had to edit her out as much as possible" While I understood the underlying logic behind this decision, a profound sense of disappointment washed over me, clouding my emotions.

Unable to contain my dissatisfaction, I spoke up, my voice barely above a whisper, but filled with an undeniable tinge of dejection. "What's with that?" I questioned, my disappointment palpable. The notion that Ai was cut from the production merely on the basis of her adorable appearance left a bitter taste in my mouth.

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