you did what?

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Wanda pov

Im so Hurt how could she do this to us!? Shes been coming home late the past few days and always smells like someone else. She has been avoiding us and not showing us her love like normal, shes been away most times when we woke up and nobody would know where she was or with Who and when we asked she Just lied straight to our faces. She has mindreading too so there is a restriction on what i can or cant see or do in her head and it only shows me what shes thinking of in that moment unless she specifically blocked those thoughts out for me. So i was surprised when i could read ber mind, she was thinking about a woman how she and Ethan adore her and that even her father approved. Woman, only ONE woman and if that was ons of us we wouldve known. But it feels like she doesnt love us anymore.... hell she probably doesnt. Why would she cheat on us if she did? She wouldnt. I must admit Nat was a bit harsh with calling her father in it...but its true so i guess she deserved it. But i shouldnt have thrown her with the amount of emotional pain im in right now i could have killed her because i cant exactly control my powers then.

I walk to yn's room ready to hear her side of the story. I knock, nothing. I knock again, still not a single sound. I open the door and gasp. There are holes in the wall the size of a fist lamps are thrown and broken on the floor chairs are scattered and her mirror is broken with blood on it. If it wouldnt have been for the fully intact picture of me, nat, ethan and yn i would have thought she was abducted by hydra or something. I silently cry and trace the picture, this picture is recent it was three weeks ago when we all strolled down the beach and talked about our future together we also had amazing love making the whole night, but thats not really relevant...

But that means she still loved us then l, so maybe she still does. I trace the picture crying silently then there is a note on the other side.

I found my family, my heart, my world, the loves of my life
the day that i met you two, i Just didnt know it yet. But now i know, and i will never let you go. Not again.

I love you two and our little family with Ethan so damn much, i cant wait for our future together.

For my one and onlies
From yours sincerely,

Wow... im crying like full crying the ugly kind off crying, i could feel it.... i could feel the love and sincerity in the written words. I have to find her and let her explain its looking more and more like its a misunderstanding. I look in her bathroom and immediately see that a couple things are missing, i Just dont know which ones...

I look in her walk in closet and see the mess she made clothes fallen on the floor, she must have packed a bag and left. " yn......" my boice comes out broken, quivering and strained. This is my worst nightmare, that one of us leaves without making up for the fighting. What if she doesnt Come back!? No! She has to she promised! She promised we would talk about our problems. I have to find Nat.

I run to the trainingsroom and see a shattered boxball so either one of my girlfriends could have done that... i mean my girlfriend or yn... it now only hits me that we broke up with her... she dint break her promise, we broke it. We didnt listen to her to what she had to say we broke our most important rule. To never walk away from eachother and alaays gear eachother out however mad, sad or angry you are... its our fault.
I hear shouting coming from the kitchen and run, hoping it may be yn and Nat. Only for the fact it would mean yn hasnt left...yet. i run and all my hope fades when i see ethan in peppers arms in the livingroom, Tony with an face full of anger, Nat who is as pale as a ghost and pietro and yelena Who look dissapointed at us. "Whats going on?" I say my voice cracking slightly.

Nat embraces me thight sobbing in my shoulder. "What have you done!? Yn came in here hands bloody from beating the walls and dyes bloodshot red from crying saying that you two broke up with her thinking she cheated on you?!?" Tony scoffs loudly and a tear falls down my cheek.

"I expected better from you Natasha, you told me about the promise she made to you two, how she kept all her promises and the one time its up to you to hold you to the promise that you didnt even have to hold up if you would have Just thought rationally, thats when you break it. That woman loves you two more than life itself she came by you know? I think it was three days ago? Sounds about right. She was gushing about her love for you two and asked for my blessing. She even asked pietro for his blessing, and they are bestfriends! She was ready to start her future with you, you çyka" Nat looks at he tears still spelling from her eyes

"She cheated on us..." Nat voices brokenly, ive never seen her like this it scares me. What if yn doesnt Come back or we cant fix this. What if shs did cheat....

"SHE DIDNT!! YOU TWO ARE SO STUPID, SHE WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO YOU TWO. TODAY. All those leaving afyer you woke up, her being secretive, home late, smelling like different scents. That was her planning the engagement!! The flowers and a New perfume hence the scent, she had to get a New suit which she had made fitted at one of the best stylist from New York, she had to call the venue over and over again and so many others to make it perfect thats why all the Phone calls, and she has been on more missions so she could have done enough so she would be able to have you two and her to be free for a week and she was gping to take you two on a beach vacation after she proposed. Those rings she has for you two, do you know how long shes had them? Three fucking months! Thus woman has been planning this shit for so long and asksd for our blessing when she was ready to pop the question , she said it was because of a stroll on the beach or something, atleast she would never and i mean NEVER cheat on you two."
Pietro shouts agitated

"We have to find her.."

"She left, three days. Couldnt stand to stay here. I understand tho. I wouldnt either." Tony says

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