He could probably come to love Jiro in short time. Probably after a few dates, but Hatsume...

Maybe after she calmed down and he got to have a good talk with her and then a few dates. He now knew she had been making passes at him for a long time now, but after how she acted even after his quirk stopped effecting her, he needed to make sure she wasn't just using him to satisfy her impregnation fetish.

He would stick around and support her and their children but he wasn't about to have a one-sided relationship. If she really wanted to go beyond being just his baby-mama and actually have more babies with him like she said, then she needed to prove she was committed and actually had feelings for him.

Izuku sighed and closed his eyes.

"I guess I have a harem now..." he muttered in disbelief, but then chuckled lightly.

"Mineta's going to loose it when he finds out..." he said quietly but his eyes shot open as he heard giggling to his right.

He looked over to see Ochako's eyes blearily opening as she giggled, before smiling softly at him.

"Yah, he'll probably have a heart attack before trying to murder you" she said as she held her lover close with a grin.

"Yah, especially after you get to the other girls" Jiro spoke as she woke up as well, and Izuku looked over at her tired but happy face.

"Hay, did I wake you?" Izuku asked the two girls who clung to him tighter in response.

"No, it was the two gremlins kicking my bladder" Jiro said with a playful grin, as she moved her hand to rub her belly affectionately.

Izuku smiled at her as he gently rubbed her shoulder before moving his hand down lower towards her belly. He couldn't quite reach with his arm rapped around her, but he got close enough to rub her side, where it began to destined outward.

Jiro smiled as she snuggled up to him and Izuku returned it. His mind began wandering back to his earlier pondering and he considered asking them.

Ochako gave a sigh before he could speak through, and it didn't sound like the content one he would expect.

"I guess we need to figure out what to do now. We can't stay here forever after all, and the longer we keep you to ourselves, the worse things will get out there" Ochako said and Izuku's head snapped to her and her face that said she didn't want to leave this bed.

Izuku then looked to the ceiling again as he hugged the girls tightly for support.

"That's right. I have to get the girls somewhere safe where they can give birth. Then I have to go and...help...the other girls on campus..." Izuku thought with a deep blush and steam rising from his head.

He then felt Hatsume stirring down by his leg.

"Yep, my darlings out guarding the gate won't last forever, and I'm sure the decoys of you I sent out are probably all busted by now" she spoked as she stretched out as much as she could and rolled over on her back. The other girls had to grab hold of the sheets to keep them from getting pulled away by Hatsume's very large belly.

Izuku just blinked though, before looking down at Hatsume.

"Decoys?" he asked and Jiro chuckled sheepishly, drawing his attention.

"Yah, we...wanted you all to ourselves...so I had Hatsume make some decoys and send them running around the school to keep the others busy. That's probably the reason Mei's robots haven't all been destroyed yet" Jiro explained.

Izuku blinked at her in surprise but then smiled. That was actually incredibly helpful. Maybe it was a good thing he "recruited" Hatsume so early in his conquests.

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