"I am not a menace! But I am beautiful. Hi Junhyung! We miss you!" Wookjin put his arm around his shoulders.

"Hi, please take your arm off me for the love of god," Junhyung cried out.

"I'm sorry. Anyway, we're gonna go now. Bye!" Wookjin happily went away with his two amazing boyfriends.

"Um let's go to Kyubin and Taeyeob," Sungho started walking away.

"Right," Junhyung smiled awkwardly and started following Sungho.

"Junhyung! Hi!" Taeyeob waved.

"Oh my god the first person who doesn't come attack me when they see me," Junhyung said.

"Guys we're supposed to be making a cake," Kyubin stated.

"Yeah, but Jisung's not here so I say fuck it and go to the store and get a cake. We'll just pretend we made it," Sungho suggested.

"Great idea. Let's go!" Junhyung signaled for the two to go to the car.

"First time I've seen Junhyung agree with Sungho after they broke up," Kyubin whispered to Taeyeob.

"I know right!"


Wookjin decided to take Jisung and Yongsoo to a place where they can decorate photos of them together. They took their photos and thought this was gonna be fun, but it was a disaster.

"Yongsoo you dumbass! You're supposed to do it like this, not put the glue on first!" Wookjin scolded.

"I'm sorry!" Yongsoo apologized.

"You ruined my beautiful face!" Jisung yelled.

"It's ok," Wookjin sighed trying to calm down his anger,"We'll just get another photo."


"Guys which cake should we pick?" Kyubin asked.

The four were now at the store picking out a cake. They were too lazy to make one and would probably burn the house down. There was a cake decorated with daisies that were made with frosting, a cake shaped like a dog, a mickey mouse cake, a graduation cake that said congratulations, and just a rainbow with sprinkles.

"Guys let's get the daisy one," Junhyung suggested.

"No you stupid fuck! That's what Wookjin likes!" Sungho hollered.

"Let's get a graduation cake as a joke," Taeyeob laughed.

"Nah bro let's get mickey mouse," Kyubin argued.

"Let's get the dog cake! It looks so cute!" Sungho's eyes sparkled at the sight of the dog.

"You know what? Let's just get the sprinkle cake so it looks like we actually made it," Junhyung picked up the box.

"But the dog!" Sungho pouted.

"Sungho you're gonna eat the dog anyway so why are you whining? Just take a picture of it," Junhyung responded.

"Fine," Sungho rolled his eyes as he took out his phone.

"Ok let's go pay," Taeyeob walked away.


Jisung, Wookjin, and Yongsoo were finally done decorating their photos. They even decorated one with their whole friend group. They looked... decent. They weren't the best but they looked fine. They made 7 different ones with the whole friend group to give to everyone else and 3 of themselves. You can clearly tell who made what. Wookjin made the ones with daisies and flowers, Yongsoo made the worst looking ones, and Jisung made the ones decorated with drawn on food, which looked very bad by the way. Now it was time to head home.

The three went home and were greeted by the other four in their friend group. They had a cake ready, which looked very suspicious because they all knew damn well that they good not make a cake look that good.

"Since when did we have sprinkles in this house?" Wookjin questioned.

"Uh we bought them just for the cake," Junhyung lied.

"Uh huh, ok. Here's some photos for y'all. One for each of us," Yongsoo handed one to everyone.

"Thanks! They look um, great. I can't clearly tell who made what," Taeyeob said sarcastically.

"Shut up," Jisung said,"You guys went out and bought a cake didn't you?"

"Yes, we did," Kyubin admitted,"But we would've burned down the house because you weren't here ok!"

"What he said. But I saw this cute dog cake at the store and I had to take a picture of it!" Sungho showed them the picture.

"Why does it look exactly like Jisung," Wookjin stated.

"I don't know. Anyway, let's eat the cake now!" Yongsoo exclaimed.

The group ate the cake and ended the night with karaoke. Surprisingly, there was less fighting between Sungho and Junhyung. Maybe they decided to follow the other's advice after all.

A/N: Tried getting this chapter out before I go to sleep. Thanks for reading!

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