58: Fly The Fucking Plane

Start from the beginning

Everybody nodded, "Okay."

JJ added, "I kind of like the mad-dogging part."

"Just put that book back." Rory handed her brother the El Dorado book, "Be cool."

John B distracted Jimmy again, whilst JJ slowly replaced the books back into his bag. Unexpectedly, Jimmy looked behind at the Pogues, noticing JJ in his bag- which looked worse than it seemed. He grabbed JJ's shirt, letting go of the steering wheel as the plane headed towards the land.

JJ tried to break free from Jimmy's grasp. He shouted, "Who are you, really?!"

"Fly the fucking plane!" Rory yelled, as she grabbed onto the handles above her for safety.

"Give me the book back!" Jimmy yelled, as he thought JJ was stealing it.

"Please fly the plane." Pope panicked, "Please fly the plane."

By the time that Jimmy had returned to the steering wheel, the plane was too close to the water. Suddenly, the plane smacked down into the water, sending the Pogues jolting forward.

"Is everybody okay?" Pope cleared his throat, as he wiped away the water from his eyes.

Aurora gasped as her head popped out of the deep water, which was flooding the plane. Sarah grabbed onto her body, pulling her out of the plane.

JJ kicked the airplane door open with his feet, "We gotta get out of here before it sinks."

"No, no, no." John B stressed, as he watched five policemen run to the shoreline, "They don't look friendly."

Pope stressed, "No, they look very unfriendly."

"Wait!" Rory panicked, as she watched her friends swim out of the plane, noticing that Kiara was missing. She held onto Sarah's arm, as their head's remained on the surface of the deep water, "Where's Kie?"

"Go!" Kie yelled from inside of the plane, as Pope grabbed her other arm to pull her away.

The boy panted, tugging Rory along behind him, "We gotta get to the pier."

The Pogues hid underneath the shelter of the pier, caving them inside so they couldn't be seen by the curious members of public. Rory watched Kiara pull Jimmy towards the sand, before running upland because of the incoming police. All of a sudden, Aurora felt that familiar knot in her chest, a tightening sensation she hadn't felt in months.

"Let go!" Kie's voice echoed, as she finally became visible again when two men held her aggressively. She shouted, "Let go of me!"

"What should we do?" JJ worried, "We're going after her, right?"

"Yeah." Rory agreed, as she attempted to swim out of the shelter of the pier.

Sarah pulled her back, holding onto her squirming body. She tried to calm Aurora down, "Rory. Rory, stop! We can't just go out there. Think!"

"I am thinking!" Rory stressed frustratedly, still trying to break the grip of Sarah's hand, "We can't- We can't just leave her here. We have to save her."

Sarah spoke calmly, looking softly into Rory's eyes which made her calmer, "We can't save her if we get caught."

The Pogues, minus Kie, gathered in a quiet spot within the beach of Barbados. They sat around, though JJ distanced himself from the Pogues, sitting up against the wall.

Pope stood up, "What the hell was that? Why would they want to kidnap Kiara? It doesn't make any sense."

"It's called bait." JJ replied, as he stood up angrily, hitting the tree stump in rage.

"I'm so sick of this." Sarah sighed, "Is there any chance we can trust the cops?"

"The cops? You're joking, right?" JJ replied, raising his voice, "You seriously think your daddy hasn't called them already?"

"JJ." Rory warned sympathetically, flickering her eyes between her brother and her girlfriend, knowing his anger was getting the better of him.

"I have a crazy idea. Why don't we call my parents?" Pope suggested sarcastically, "And say we're alive. I haven't seen my family in I don't know how long. They're probably worried sick about me. We can just call and maybe ask to wire us some money or something."

"And put them in danger?" John B questioned.

"I got a better idea." JJ added, as he picked out a wallet from his pocket.

Sarah frowned, "Who's is that?"

"You think I'm gonna go through someone's backpack and not pinch their wallet." JJ explained, before reading, "Jimmy Portis, 101 Cattle Wash. I bet that's where we find Kiara."

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