Heart of a Leader

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Recognising it as his own, Dae-hyun guessed the situation immediately. He slowly reached out and took the bag with trembling fingers. He didn't even need to look at Hongjoong. He could feel those sharp eyes burning into him.

"I was wrong, Dae-hyun," he heard Yunho whisper. "I shouldn't have asked you to help me. I shouldn't have dragged you into my stupid revenge. As your hyung, I should have done better."

Dae-hyun said nothing, still not daring to even raise his head. His fingers tightened around the bag handle, as it almost slipped through his hands.

"You may go back to the dorm now, Yunho," Hongjoong murmured softly. "I want to speak to Dae-hyun for a moment."

Dae-hyun mentally cursed. He couldn't think of anything worse than being left in a room with the angry Ateez leader. He felt a brief moment's pity for Yunho, and glanced up to watch him leave. Sure enough, the tall hyung had a slight limp as he exited the room. Having gone through as many companies as he had, Dae-hyun knew too well how the industry worked. He quickly bowed his head, as Hongjoong stepped closer.

Hongjoong gazed at the young dancer, his eyes holding a mixed expression of anger and disappointment.

"I am sorry that Yunho asked you to help him. It was wrong of him to do so as your hyung. But you were also wrong for agreeing. Did you know what he intended to do with those?" He gestured to the bag in Dae-hyun's hand.

"Yes, sir," Dae-hyun whispered, startling himself with his meek politeness. He let the bag slip gently to the floor and bowed his head.

"You don't have any right to even own them, if you think you can treat them like that. I am not sure that we should even be returning them."

Daen-hyun flinched at those words, but he said nothing.

"I know you have had a hard life, Dae-hyun. And I have always wished you the best. But you have crossed a line here. You don't ever attempt to hurt my members, do you hear me?"

Dae-hyun's gaze flickered up to meet Hongjoong's and his eyes seemed to water. "Then let it go this once....please."

Hongjoong shook his head. "This isn't even your first time. You know that."

The younger dancer stepped back, shaking his frantically. "They will kick me out, and I will be done for. I knew it was wrong, I admit it. But I needed the money. You can't blame me for that." He saw a look of hesitation cross Hongjoong's face, and quickly flung himself to his knees, and grasped Hongjoong's hand. "Please, hyung. I will do better. I won't do it again."

 Hongjoong sighed as he stared down at the younger man. He too knew how hard it was to survive in this industry. Ateez had worked hard to be where they were. But for some, even that couldn't help them. He pulled his hand away, and stepped back.

"Go to Mr Cheol and tell him what you did. If you don't, it will only take one phone call from me to get you out of your position. Don't ruin the life you spent your youth to build."

"What's the difference?" Dae-hyun snapped, sinking back to sit on his heels. He hung his head, and added in a dejected voice, "Mr Cheol will have me kicked out anyway."

"No, he won't" Hongjoong promised. "I won't let him. But you might get the cane, Dae-hyun. You know how it works." He turned to go then turned back. "I punished Yunho. It was wrong of him to use your situation against you and bribe you with money. It isn't your fault you couldn't break through, Dae-hyun. I know you would have tried your best. But it is your fault if you act like this and ruin other opportunities in life. And if you ever desperately need money, come to me. I will always be willing to help."

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