Chapter 18 {A sudden letter}

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  Nightmare who was dead asleep in his office, didn't notice his door opening and steps all around him but he felt a warm hand patting his head. Nightmare quickly opened his eyes to see who it was but only saw...... nothing but Error

Nightmare:" Have you ever tried to knock the door Error?"

Error:" I already did Boss but you were dead asleep so I helped myself in."

Nightmare rolled his eyes as he saw error holding a piece of what looks like an letter.

Nightmare:" Are going to tell me what your deal of coming here?"

Error:'" Oh its a letter from no one else but ....D̵̨̧̨̝͔̪̲͔͔̞̫̩̲̠̭͚͙̞̳̀̾̓̋̈́͛̓́̇̾̏͝͝r̶̨̜̩͈̠͖̰̙̊̃̈́ę̷̛̬̫͉̟̲̗̪̯͇̪̬̬̜̱̐̋̆͌͛̾͘̕͠͠͠ą̴̥̤͚̖̞̱͕̱̹̦͌̒́̎̽͝ḿ̸̡̳̳͙̬̰̘̬̣̥͉͉̗͑͌̏̉̈́̊

Nightmare looked back at Error. Error handed the letter to Nightmare.

Nightmare saw  the envelope as it had some dirt and what looks like blood? But continued to open it. Nightmare saw a parchment paper as it was old but saw it was written with ancient words{AKA Egyptian because it looks enchanted and mysterious} Nightmare was able to understand it due to his books.

                                                                        يا لها من تحية جميلة لك كابوس. أقدم اعتذاريًا عزيزًا على التسبب في المتاعب لك ،                                        وإذا لم يكن الأسف جيدًا بما يكفي ، فقد اعتنيت بشخص اسمه فيليكس ..آمل أن نلتقي قريبًا لأن لدي شيئًا مميزًا أعرضه عليك ، حتى نراكم قريبًا.

                                                                                                                                                  Love dream.

Error:" What does it say? I don't really speak other human language"

Error asked as he saw the letter. Nightmare rolled his eyes as he was too lazy to read out loud but did it anyways.

Nightmare:" It say' What a lovely greeting to you Nightmare. I'm offering a dear apology for causing trouble for you and if sorry isn't good enough I took care of someone who was named Felix..I hope we will meet soon as I have something special to show you, until then see you soon.'"

Error:" So.. Dream is apologizing already?"

Nightmare carefully folded the letter and slid under a random book.

Nightmare:" kinda like that... "

Error than grabbed a photo still inside the envelope. Nightmare saw the photo seeing a black eyed Felix while dream smiled and ink feeding him some tacos.

Error:" Wow..! Never thought stars can be that aggressive."

Nightmare chuckled then also folded the photo gently as he slid it under the same random book.

Nightmare:" Do not tell the others yet.... I'm afraid that they will do something stupid again."

Nightmare signed while Error looked surprised and laughed.

Error:" You, afraid? Aww~ Boss afraid his babies will get hurt~ I will probably tell the other of how worried of our mama Nightmare is~"

Error teased and got hit the back of his skull by nightmare. Nightmare glared at Error and kicked him out of his office. Error chuckled and quickly walked away.

Nightmare signed and continued to think about how to approach Dream but quickly saw the time that Killer forgot to make him coffee! Nightmare dashed outside of his office and stomp his way to the kitchen where he was heard laughter in the distant.

Killer: HAHAHHAHA! Soo~ Boss really is our protective mama or should i call boss our protective mommy~?"

Killer said as they all laughed. Nightmare gripped on killer's shoulder with a murderous face.

Nightmare:" I wonder if somebody in this kitchen will ever be able to see a future tomorrow."

Nightmare threatened while he saw error slowly walking away. Nightmare pulled Error back in the kitchen and flicked him hard on his forehead.

Error didn't react but slowly rubbing on his forehead.

Nightmare:" don't make me wait, get back to work!"

Nightmare quickly said while everyone quickly ran to their unnecessary chores.

Nightmare:" Killer! Make me 3 cups of coffee and bring it back to my office... You better be there after 15 minutes!" 

Nightmare said while slowly walking away from killer and error.

Killer:" is boss alright? He's pretty in a bad mood... or is it just our teasing?~" 

Killer said while smirking at error and error smirking back at killer.

Nightmare went to his office and shut the door behind him. He signed and sat down on his chair.

Nightmare hid his face with his hands as he was having anxiety all over thinking about his problems and how to fix them. Then he heard a knock at his office door.......


YO YALL i'm very sorry for having you to wait soo long i graduated this month but i quite enjoying my summer a bit too much and realized that i forgot to upload another chapter but i'm very thankful for your wait and your time.....Good bless you all  😊

edit: Sorry forgot to put title, whoops

736 words shorter than hinata 

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