Chapter 21 {Sorry..}

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Nightmare saw someone in a black robe dragging something what look like a bag of garbage?..

Nightmare ran outside the backdoor of his kitchen and it was raining already.

" Hey! This is a private property!" shouted by nightmare which made the black figure stop in his tracks. The figure turned around and revealed the figures identity. DREAM?!

" Oh hi..." Dream said awkwardly while the *trash bag* was still in his hands.

" wh-what the hell are you doing here?.." Nightmare said while placing his hand in his pockets as rain fell on the heads of both the l̶͈̠̻̅̉ỏ̵̢̓ņ̸͇̰̂̾g̴͈̲̐ ̷͖̮̰̊l̴͕̙̥͑̈́͝ṏ̶̜́͝ș̶̑̿͑ṱ̶̨͖͆ ̸̲̞͈̍̓̓b̴͈͔̲̍r̸̞̭͗ò̵̭̖̋t̸̢̰̻̑h̸͍͊e̴̟̠̐̀̉r̵̒̏́ͅs̸̲̳͊.

"Oh.. About that.." Dream said rubbing his head while slowly approaching Dream.

He grabbed Nightmare's cold hands and kneeled before. him.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I caused you all the problems and trouble. I-i just wanted to see my brother one last time before he left but little did I know.. I was too harsh." Dream said while looking at the ground. 

Rain feel all around both the two. They felt they were the only ones in the world. Coldness was all around.

" It's alright. I have t-to apologized as well since I didn't properly explain what the consequences were." Nightmare said while gently patting the younger one on the head as he smiled softly.

They both smiled as Dream got up and looked at Nightmare.

" It seems we all got that covered. It's nice meeting you 'Night'. See you around" Dream said while running and happily smiling while carrying the large piece of *garbage*.

Nightmare saw as Dream disappeared in the shadows. It was late in the afternoon and saw the rain fall on him. He thought about how beautiful the sky is, when it rains. 

" Are you just gonna stand there? You can get sick you know~" error said behind Nightmare interrupting the beautiful scenery Nightmare admired.

"If you say one more word out of your damn mouth, I might think about things that I can shoved down you throat" Nightmare said as he continued to look at the sky.

" Like what?~" Error teased while grinning.

" A 30ft long pipe. If that doesn't work I might have to shoved a damn 400ft building down your throat, put cement on your mouth so you can shut up." Nightmare said sarcastically while heading towards back inside.

Error stayed quiet while quickly disappearing. Nightmare headed back towards his office and saw his door already fixed. He grinned and closed it. He sat went and looked around his place. He looked all around the place as his mind was on one thing, Dream.

He couldn't believe he finally saw Dream. He felt relieved all of the sudden. He sat down and looked bored in his office. He saw the time and it was already 6:47 pm, then a knock again on his office door, Nightmare opened the door and saw Killer.

" Boss you left something" Killer said looking at Nightmare with a calm look as Nightmare stared confused at Killer. Killer handed a book.

"Wh- I didn't left anything!" Nightmare grabbing the book as he never saw any kind of book like this.

" Well I saw it glowing after you left outside." replied by Killer.

Nightmare took a look inside the book and saw nothing but empty pages. Only page 164 had some writings on it but not what Nightmare expected. * I'm going to find you, you little piece of sh#t*

" Oh it's just a piece of garbage. It's nothing" Nightmare said unbothered by the threat knowing damn well who wrote it.

" ok...well call me if you need anything" Killer said a bit suspicious while walking away from the door.

Nightmare quickly closed his office door and turned around to see the book still there. He quickly started to jump and stomping on it, ruining the book.


YALL I'm going nuts. I forgot to write a whole chapter. So to make up for I will make a christmas special chapter tonight. I hope you will forgive me and continue to read these chapters. Bye Bye!! Love youu 😘

679 words shorter than a 30ft pipe that nightmare will shoved down Error's throat😍

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